Adrian Gostick, Organizational Culture, Employee Engagement

Adrian Gostick, #1 New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author and the world’s preeminent authority on employee engagement and high-performance cultures


Speaker:            Adrian Gostick       

Topic Title:              

  1. Organizational Culture, Employee Engagement

    Professional Fees subject to change without notice$$$ = between $15,000-$25,000

  • $$$$ = $25,000 -50,000
  • Expenses:    As incurred                
  • Travels from:        Salt Lake City
  • Expenses for Travel, (air and ground) Accommodations, Meals, Traveling Companion, and Incidentals are not included in the above fees.
  • Discounted Fees:  Under rare and special circumstances speakers may discount their fees at their discretion. i.e., booking multiple events with the same client.  Non profit organizations may also qualify for a discount.

Adrian Gostick, Organizational Culture, Employee Engagement#1 New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author and the world’s preeminent authority on employee engagement and high-performance cultures Organizational Culture


BIOGRAPHY – Adrian Gostick

Adrian Gostick; Bestselling Leadership Author, Organizational Culture Expert

How do today’s best leaders accelerate business results? By engaging their employees to execute on strategy, vision, and values. In his challenging, information-packed talks, #1 bestselling leadership author Adrian Gostick provides real solutions on managing change, driving innovation, and leading high-performance teams.

Adrian Gostick is a global workplace expert and thought leader in the fields of corporate culture, leadership, and engagement. He is founder of the training and consulting company The Culture Works and author of the #1 New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestsellers All In,The Carrot Principle and The Best Team Wins. His books have been translated into 30 languages and have sold 1.5 million copies around the world.

As a leadership expert, he has been called “fascinating,” by Fortune magazine and “creative and refreshing” by the New York Times. Gostick has appeared on NBC’s Today Show and CNN, and is often quoted in The Economist, Newsweek, and Wall Street Journal. If you Google the 30 Top Leadership Gurus, he is on the list along side Jack Welch and Jim Collins. His consulting clients include Danaher, Bank of America, Rolls Royce, JELD-WEN and California Pizza Kitchen.

TOPICS – Adrian Gostick


The Dilemma. The vast majority of employees’ days are now spent working collaboratively, but still 96 percent of executives cite poor teamwork as the main source of workplace failures in their organizations. It might be the most-pressing question organizations must address: How can managers lead their teams to improved performance given the volatility and challenges we face today.

The Research. Based on an 850,000-person study of the most profitable, innovative work teams, New York Times bestselling author Adrian Gostick introduces his audiences to the new science of teamwork—helping leaders deal with the increased speed of change in business, global and remote employees, the rise of the Millennials, the need to work more cross-functionally across departments, and more.

The Result. Adrian Gostick’s research has discovered a set of leadership disciplines that make the biggest difference in building today’s best teams. He helps leaders:

  • Manage to the One—Identify the drivers of each team member for maximum engagement
  • Speed Productivity—Help new people and teams work faster & smarter
  • Challenge Everything—Inspire greater innovation through healthy debate
  • Focus on Customers—Build bridges across functions, cultures, and distan

The Audience. Designed for senior leaders and managers (although often tailored to include all employees), Chester Elton has presented The Best Team Wins to corporate audiences and association conferences worldwide. ͞

“Extremely engaging and motivating talk! Most importantly, you tailored the content perfectly to ensure it was relevant to our fast-paced and forever-changing needs.”

Sally Williams Keenan, Executive Director, Morgan Stanley



The Dilemma:

While most leaders understand their most reliable competitive advantage comes from their people, few know how to get their teams “all in”—convincing employees to buy into the strategy they’ve put forward. If a culture is clear, positive, and strong, then people will believe what they do matters and that they can make a difference. If a culture is dysfunctional—chaotic, combative or indifferent—employees will spend more time thinking about why the people sitting next to them should be fired than getting fired up themselves.

The Research:

Teaming up with research giant Towers Watson, #1 bestselling author Adrian Gostick presents the findings of an unprecedented 300,000-person study conducted in the worst of the recession for his book All In. Based on this breakthrough research and his extensive consulting experience with a who’s-who of successful organizations, he presents a simple roadmap that all managers can follow to create a high-achieving culture in their own teams where employees are engaged, enabled and energized.

The Result:

Adrian Gostick offers specific how-tos for each step, and tells fascinating stories of leaders in action that vividly depict just how these powerful methods can be implemented. Audiences will learn: 

  • the 3 research-based characteristics of the world’s most profitable, productive organizational and team cultures;
  • the 7 steps today’s most successful leaders use to generate buy-in; 
  • how managers at any level can build a productive workgroup culture of their own where employees commit to the culture and give an extra push of effort.

The Audience:

Designed for senior leaders and managers (although sometimes tailored to include all employees), Adrian Gostick has presented “All In” to corporate audiences and association conferences worldwide. The session is typically customized to an organization’s specific culture challenges.

“The ‘All In’ principles aligned to every aspect of our key messaging and reinforced the effectiveness of our approach. We can’t wait to continue this momentum and enthusiasm.”–Lynn Leblanc, Head of Strategic Planning, Aetna


The Dilemma:

Most managers want to create cultures where their teams achieve above-and-beyond results, but for a culture to really take off teammates must encourage each other on a daily basis. The answer is in rooting for each other: having each other’s backs, appreciating strengths, and recognizing strategic behaviors.

The Research:

Based on his #1 bestselling book The Carrot Principle, which unveiled a 10-year, 200,000- person survey, Adrian Gostick has become the preeminent authority on employee recognition. Now, he introduces us to Carrots 2.0—showing incontrovertible evidence that today’s employees respond best when they are recognized for things they are good at and for those actions where they had to stretch.

The Result:

Adrian Gostick introduces audiences to new generational and industry-specific data from his 2016 proprietary survey of 14,000 working adults—helping managers link recognition to what is most meaningful to their employees. He introduces practical concepts that help managers encourage excellence, including ideas such as appreciation vs. recognition, effort vs. achievement, and praise vs. rewards. Adrian Gostick shows how great managers lead with carrots, not sticks and in doing so achieve higher: 

  • Productivity
  • Engagement 
  • Retention
  • Customer Satisfaction

The Audience:

Designed for managers, Adrian Gostick has presented “Carrots 2.0” to corporate audiences and associations worldwide. The session is typically customized to an organization’s specific recognition needs and can also include the organization’s available R&R tools.

“The concepts of “All In,” “The Carrot Principle,” and “What Motivates Me” can be combined to create a tool-box that all organizations can leverage to enhance organizational efficiency and effectiveness. – Glen Stambone, Northern Regional Medical Command, US Army Command

Adrian Gostick – Testimonials:

“Adrian’s messages were right on and resonated beautifully with all. His wonderful delivery of insightful leadership lessons with great humor captured the minds and hearts of all. As one participant said, ‘Adrian spoke for an hour and if he went for two hours, we’d still be with him’.”
-Tom Joyce, CEO, Danaher

“What can I say, Adrian was awesome! He delivered a fantastic message that left our people inspired at our annual GM Conference. We will see him again soon.”
-GJ Hart, CEO, California Pizza Kitchen

“The feedback was outstanding! Adrian made a significant and impactful contribution to our meeting and our journey as a company. Everyone is talking about “being in the wheelbarrow” and being “all-in.” We now have some highly motivated senior leaders.”
-Mark Beck, CEO, JELD-WEN

“Extremely engaging and motivating talk! Most importantly, you tailored the content perfectly to ensure it was relevant to our fast-paced and forever-changing needs.”
-Sally Williams Keenan, Executive Director, Morgan Stanley

Relevant Keywords: Leadership, Employee Engagement, High Performing Culture, Organizational Culture, Team Work, Teamwork, High-performing teams, Reward and Recognition.

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