Table of Contents
- Synopsis
- Biography – Eileen Pease – Speed Reading
- Topics – Speed Reading
- Teaching with the Brain in Mind – example the ASSESS technique
- Six Thinking Hats© – Eileen Pease
- Committees That Work
- Speed Reading & Memory Techniques
- Write with Confidence
- Modern Instructional Techniques or Train the Trainer/Coach
- Making the Most of Meetings
- Presentation Skills Using a PC
- Taking a Problem Solving Approach to Stress
- Testimonials – Eileen Pease
Speaker: Eileen Pease
Topic Title: Eileen Pease
- Train the Trainer,
- Speed Reading,
- Memory techniques,
- Leadership 360°©
- Six Thinking Hats©,
- Action Learning,
- Meeting Management,
- Stress,
- Public Speaking.
Professional Fees subject to change without notice
- $ = under $10,000
- Expenses: As incurred
- Travels from: Halifax, NS
- Expenses for Travel, (air and ground) Accommodations, Meals, Traveling Companion, and Incidentals are not included in the above fees.
- Discounted Fees: Under rare and special circumstances speakers may discount their fees at their discretion. i.e., booking multiple events with the same client. Non profit organizations may also qualify for a discount.
Biography – Eileen Pease – Speed Reading
Eileen Pease loves to show people how they inadvertently deplete, but then can deliberately energize their brains, particularly when they are at work. She has 25 years of experience teaching thinking and interpersonal skills in the workplace. Recently she tapped into the most up to date knowledge on brain research to write a book called “Get More Power from Your Brain”.
Eileen Pease keeps up-to-date on how insights from neuroscience are being applied to leadership development in the Fortune 1000 companies through her membership of the NeuroLeadership Institute in New York. Their case studies and additional research form the basis of her monthly newsletters to participants in her courses.
Eileen is President of Dynamic Learning Inc., a company devoted to helping key people be more effective. As a facilitator she has led executive, supervisory, and management groups across Canada and the United States. Eileen is a senior associate of the Management Research Group (Portland, ME) and she facilitates their assessment-based development system in Leadership 360º™ and Strategic Leadership Practices™.
Eileen Pease also has a particular interest in mental health in the workplace. She has been certified by the Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario branch, to teach their Mental Health Works programs. She knows that a psychologically healthy work environment makes a critical difference to employee engagement, productivity, and profitability.
Eileen Pease has a B.A. (Psychology), B.Ed., Dalhousie University and a Masters in Education from Mount Saint Vincent University.
In July 2015, Eileen Pease was delighted to be awarded her *Certified Speaking Professional medal at the US National Speakers Association conference in Washington, DC, USA.
The *Certified Speaking Professional® (CSP) designation is the speaking industry’s international measure of professional platform skill. CSP is conferred only on those who have earned it by meeting strict criteria. The letters CSP indicate a competent speaking professional with proven experience who understands what is required and knows how to deliver client satisfaction.
Fewer than 12% of the 5,000+ speakers who belong to the Global Speakers Federation hold this professional designation.
Topics – Speed Reading
Teaching with the Brain in Mind – example the ASSESS technique
Here is one example of how Eileen Pease’s “brain based” teaching is effective. People often complain that other people don’t listen well to them. Most people will agree, you cannot “make” someone listen to you, but you can influence them by
- Understanding what is actually happening in both brains when one person is talking and the other is listening. The key point to understand is that our minds run at thousands of words per minute, while we speak at only about 150-200 words per minute. So truly listening to someone is a challenge to keep your mind from straying into thinking about something other than what the speaker is saying.
- Using a good listening technique with the purpose of really understanding the issue from the other person’s point of view. I teach the ASSESS technique:
Attention: Face the other person so you don’t try to do anything other than listen and at the same time quiet your own internal “talk” so that you really attend to what the other person is saying. Make sure your knees are facing the speaker’s knees.
Select. Make sure this is a good time and place to listen – close the door, move to a quieter place, or even re-schedule if there is not enough time right now. Mute any electronic device.
Support. While still facing the other person and not thinking about what you want to answer, ask, or advise – because you haven’t heard enough yet, keep you mind entirely on trying to understand what the other person is telling you and supporting him or her by nodding every so often, saying things like “uhuh,” “hhmmm,” or “is that so”
Echo: This is where the magic starts. Now you can speak, but only to paraphrase what you have understood so far, starting with words like “so you mean….,” “what I understand is….” Think of yourself as a sounding board or an echo who is letting the speaker know that you are following closely. Aim to paraphrase at least twice before you go to
Survey: Now you can ask open ended questions beginning with words and phrases like, what …., how …., when, where and possibly why. Be careful with why – it can sound critical or disapproving especially if you are the person’s boss. Questions like, “What have you tried so far?” “How did _____ work?” In-between questions, you could paraphrase again – all with the goal of truly understanding how the speaker sees the issue and giving the speaker time to think.
Summarize: Once you feel the speaker has pretty well told you everything, then say something like, “Can I summarize back to you what I have understood” (Don’t say, can I summarize back what you said – that can lead to responses like, ” I didn’t say that…”)
Usually during the Summary phase, the speaker will add more information, which is fine. Your objective as a skilled listener, is to understand the issue from the speaker’s point of view
Once your speaker agrees that you have “got it,” you will realize that you have created some real rapport with the speaker. Now you can ask, “May I explain the way I see it?” or “May I offer some advice?” and usually you will listened to with pleasure.
Expand your influence, build on strengths, and address weaknesses. The Leadership Effectiveness Analysis 360°© is an assessment and development process. It provides information to managers and leaders on their current leadership practices plus insights into what their development priorities should be. It focuses participants on development that is relevant and timely. As well, since it is personal and highly specific, it provides a framework for linking action plans to performance appraisal systems. More than 300,000 executives, managers, and professionals from around the world have benefited from this breakthrough program.
Six Thinking Hats© – Eileen Pease
This course trains participants in the most successful and widely used thinking framework in the world. Six Thinking Hats was developed by Edward de Bono, who is regarded as the world’s leading authority on working more effectively with your brain. Participants will learn ways to:
•Improve teamwork
•Stimulate innovation
•Identify alternatives
•Generate new ideas
•Lead better meetings
•Solve problems faster
Individuals and groups, who use this thinking tool, get much more value from their intelligence, learning and experience. It provides a framework for moving away from traditional argumentative thinking and toward co-operative exploration of the subject. As a result, people look at problems from the same perspective at the same time. This organized approach facilitates more productive meetings, improved team communication and greater creativity.
Action Learning
It is widely recognized that people learn in two main ways. The first is by absorbing previously uncovered knowledge such as from books, courses, and accepted routines. The second is by facing new situations and unsolved problems that generate naïve, exploratory questions, experimental approaches and learning by doing. Action Learning harnesses both of these learning approaches and adds a powerful third – learning from your peers. Action Learning is a work-based development process where an entire organization, team, or one individual can make extensive improvements in leadership and management skills while working on real issues of strategic importance to the organization. An important criterion for any Action Learning project (individual or team) is that the organization will achieve a real financial return as a result of the project’s completion, i.e. expenses are reduced or revenue is increased. The real value, however, is in the depth of learning for the participants. During the Action Learning process, they have the opportunity to learn by doing in a challenging, but supportive environment. In addition to a financial return on investment and the learning/development of each participant, there are many other real values that can accrue from the use of Action Learning, which are very difficult to measure statistically. For example, a successful project may result in improved morale, reduced conflict, better customer service, etc.
Committees That Work
There are few people active in either a business or volunteer setting who have not experienced the frustration of endless committee meetings with slow progress toward goals and objectives. This interactive training program gives people the basics in three crucial areas: understanding what committees are and how they work best, conducting effective meetings, and planning and managing projects. Help your people maximize the impact of the time/energy they devote to committees, and enhance the overall effectiveness and timeliness of committee work.
Speed Reading & Memory Techniques
Coping with the continuously growing piles of information is enough to overwhelm the most capable person at work today. The need is to find a way of acquiring information faster and to remember it longer. The answer is this course. First we will concentrate on developing your speed reading skills so you can make fast work of all the materials you have to read. Then you will learn how to access the most powerful areas of your memory, so you can remember what you read quickly and easily, and remember names, details, etc. In today’s busy work and home environment, most of us unwittingly block access to our memory. We overload it, stress it and bore it when we could be doing the opposite. Many of the memory techniques taught in the course have stood the test of thousands of years of human practice.
Write with Confidence
Eileen Pease – People who write well, communicate better! One of the highest compliments in the workplace today is to say that someone “writes well”. When you communicate well on paper or electronically, you reduce confusion, save time, reduce phone calling, and most important of all – you make sure that others understand exactly what you mean. This course will show you how to tap into the communication skills that you already have. Also, since plain language has begun to emerge as the standard for business and government, it will ensure that your writing is completely up to date.
Modern Instructional Techniques or Train the Trainer/Coach
It is becoming increasingly evident that people are the most important asset that organizations have. Keeping employees trained and up to date is entrusted to people who would appreciate some support to develop their skills to train others effectively. This course is designed to help new and experienced trainers get their knowledge and skills learned. This intensive workshop helps people learn the current techniques and methods essential for training and coaching success.
Making the Most of Meetings
Eileen Pease – Speed Reading – We all hate to waste time. Nothing grates more than a poor meeting … wrong people, no focus, too long, no results. Good meetings don’t just happen. Learn how to plan, run and report on meetings and make them the most productive time of your day.
Presentation Skills Using a PC
Business audiences want information fast, condensed and easy to understand. To master computer technology and use images to present complex information is becoming an expectation and a measure of effectiveness. At this powerful seminar, you will apply visual-based techniques to a presentation of your own, while improving your skills needed to inform, influence and inspire with ease and polish.
Taking a Problem Solving Approach to Stress
Research shows that stress management is a vital contributor to enhancing work performance, reducing interpersonal friction, diminishing mood swings, and ultimately to achieving an increased sense of personal control. The first step in coping with stress is to fully understand what it is all about. Then, armed with sound information and practical advice, you can begin to handle your challenges more comfortably.
Testimonials – Eileen Pease
Speed Reading. “Congratulations on your Speed Reading session February 5th. Your rating was a 1 on our 5 point scale, where 1 is excellent and 5 is you’re a bum, you walk on water! Thank you for an exceptional day.”
-Krista Beaudry,
VP Seminar Services,
MICA Management Resources, Toronto
“Last year’s ADO’s were unanimous in their praise of your teaching and facilitation skills. Each person felt they learned a great deal and even more importantly, enjoyed the learning process. Your ability to work with diverse groups of people is truly a gift.”
-Bonnie Boyd-Read,
Campaign Director,
Metro Halifax United Way
“Great course. Very useful for me in my current job. Surpassed my expectation.”
-Gracey Southwell,
VP Finance and Administration,