Speaker: Frema Engel, Workplace Harassment, Bullying, Harassment, Violence
Topic Title:
- Frema Engel, Workplace Harassment, Bullying, Harassment, Violence
Professional Fees subject to change without notice
- Fee call for an updated quote
- Expenses: As incurred
- Travels from: Quebec, Canada
- Expenses for Travel, (air and ground) Accommodations, Meals, Traveling Companion, and Incidentals are not included in the above fees.
- Discounted Fees: Under rare and special circumstances speakers may discount their fees at their discretion. i.e., booking multiple events with the same client. Non profit organizations may also qualify for a discount.
Workplace Harassment, Conflict, Bullying, Harassment and Violence.
Frema Engel has been helping business leaders create engaged and respectful work environments for over 25 years. She is recognized as a pioneer and expert in this field. Long before workplace trauma and violence was acknowledged by the World Health Organization, Frema was speaking publicly about its impact on work environments and initiating programs to deal with it.
Working at McGill University as an Industrial Social Work Consultant in the early 1980’s, Frema helped nurses, orderlies and doctors at Montreal’s Royal Victoria Hospital deal with patient violence. Together with nurse-colleague Shirley Marsh, she helped create a shift in how health care institutions looked at patient violence through their pioneering article “Helping the Employee Victim of Violence in Hospitals,” published in the Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry in 1988. During this time Frema also co-developed services at the Bank of Montreal to help employees deal with the aftermath of holdups and hostage-taking incidents. Her work on treating hold-up victims generated media interest (as far away as Dunedin, New Zealand) and she was repeatedly interviewed on national and international radio and television, and by the print media. In 1999, she was honored by the Montreal Council of Women for her pioneering work in victim advocacy and trauma response.
In 1986 Frema began a 10 year personal research into how different industries and governments had been dealing with workplace violence. Her book, Taming the Beast: Getting Violence out of the Workplace, was one of a handful of books published on this subject at the time. In 2004, she published a revised and updated 2nd edition that provides a blueprint on how to build healthier, respectful work environments. Frema has a Master of Social Work degree from McGill University. She has been a lecturer at McGill University and University of Montreal on workplace issues. Besides Taming the Beast, she has authored and co-authored articles, booklets and books. Her ideas on how to build harmony at work continues to spark media interest. Recent citations include: Canadian HR Reporter, Your Workplace, Globe and Mail, Canadian Living and CTV, which in 2005 featured her in a documentary about workplace bullying.
Frema has addressed or consulted to most industries. Her client list includes government, business, legal, corporations, unions, schools and universities, hospitals, social services, financial services, professional associations, and not-for-profit organizations. Frema’s focus on prevention happened after years of helping just about every type of business deal with the aftermath of shooting rampages, sexual harassment and bullying. She realized that many tragedies could be prevented by building greater harmony at work. She now advises business leaders how to resolve conflicts, deal with bullying and harassment, and heal fractured or underperforming departments. Her new program focuses on helping create engaged and respectful organizations.
While her subject matter is serious, Frema has an ability to quickly grab people’s attention, deliver her messages with humor, and amaze her audiences with her skillful demonstrations of dealing with the most difficult foe. Her clients appreciate her analytical thinking, vision, leadership and common sense.
Creating Your Engaged and Respectful Workplace FOR ALL AUDIENCES!
The global labour shortage is beginning to have a huge impact on workplace relationships and business operations. How prepared is your organization to handle the effects of this rapidly changing workforce? Find out what an engaged and respectful workplace really is and why it is essential that your organization becomes known as a great place to work.
Taming the Beast: Getting Violence and Harassment out of the Workplace FOR ALL AUDIENCES!
THIS IS A PERFECT PROGRAM FOR ONTARIO’S BILL 168! Government legislation makes it clear that workplace violence and harassment is a serious matter and everyone’s business. Employers are required to develop a program to implement harassment and violence policies. Does this mean that people have to change the way they talk and behave at work? What do we have to do to create a really safe workplace for everyone?
Bullying at Work: Managing Rights and Responsibilities on a Tightrope FOR MANAGERS!
THIS IS A PERFECT PROGRAM FOR ONTARIO’S BILL 168! When it comes to dealing with the workplace bully it can even turn out to be a nightmare, even for the seasoned manager. As many supervisors and managers discover when they’re given the responsibility to solve the problem, disciplining a bully has its complications. Even the bully has rights. So what to do?
THIS IS A PERFECT PROGRAM FOR ONTARIO’S BILL 168! Increasingly government legislation such as Ontario’s BILL 168 requires workplaces to develop prevention programs that include regular training for employees and managers on Violence and Harassment in the Workplace. When everyone is aware of their obligations and responsibilities, knows what they need to do when confronted with a harassment or violent situation or a problem of domestic violence, and when decisive and appropriate action is taken, then the impact on everyone─those targeted, bystanders and the organization itself─decreases. Using her 4 R’s of Violence Prevention©, Frema trains a workforce to identify, stop violence and prevent a recurrence. She also will help you turn your legislative obligations into a best practice opportunity.
No-nonsence Tactics to Outwit, Disarm and Even Charm Difficult People at Work FOR ALL EMPLOYEES!
Have you ever wished for a magic wand to help you transform the annoying, nasty or difficult people you have to deal with? Do you wish you could get them to listen to you and stop! You don’t need a magic wand to do this, but you do need a formula to make it happen.
Say “No” to Bullying and Show You Mean it FOR ALL EMPLOYEES!
Have you been bullied or know someone who has? Bullying or psychological harassment often starts with a snide remark, a cold shoulder, or a sudden angry outburst. When chronic stress, anger, conflict, bullying and harassment are tolerated or ignored, work or school and sometimes life itself can become unbearable. Bullying can be stopped, but we have to know how and show that we don’t want bullying in our lives.
Leadership Coaching: Peer Leadership Circles FOR MANAGERS AND SUPERVISORS!
It is not easy to be a manager. Complaints, conflicts, difficult people and underperformers are a few of the thornier problems managers have to contend with. Leadership coaching promotes problem-solving, encourages learning from colleagues and turns managers into leaders. This skill-development program also works well with organizations experiencing change or wanting to Create an Engaged and Respectful Workplace.
Responding to Legislative Obligations: Violence and Harassment in the Workplace FOR ADVICE ABOUT ONTARIO’S BILL 168, CONTACT FREMA NOW!
Increasingly government legislation requires employers to align their policies with new or evolving occupational health and safety provisions concerning workplace harassment and violence. This may require employers to develop or update policies, develop a violence prevention program, and deliver regular harassment and violence prevention training. Employers may also need to conduct risk assessments and remove the threats, and build an effective enforcement strategy. What does this mean for employers who do not already have a program and for those who do? Frema uses her vast knowledge and experience in workplace violence management and prevention to help you develop a program that’s right for your organization. She will advise you how to ensure management and staff compliance with occupational health and safety laws and how to turn a legal obligation into a best practice opportunity.
Organizational Assessments and Strategy-Building You know something is not right, but what to do about it? Frema uses her wealth of experience in organizations to help you quickly identify what the problems are and to develop a realistic strategy to rebuild your organization.
On-Site Interventions: Conflict Resolution, Mediation, Group Facilitation, Team Building Conflicts, bullying, disruptive behavior, hostility and poorly functioning teams are some common problems that managers are asked to fix. They’re easy to identify especially when the complaints come in, but hard to fix – unless you know how. Frema draws on her vast experience in breaking down barriers and building bridges. Imagine the results when you can get reluctant enemies to sit down at the same table and settle their differences. Contact Frema for a free confidential consultation to find out how or to
FIND OUT MORE Take advantage of Frema Engel’s offer for a COMPLIMENTARY telephone consultation by contacting us now.
“Frema Engel is the consummate consultant. Not only is she an expert in her field, she is an accomplished facilitator that can lead and inspire any group. At Bruyère Continuing Care, Frema provided a series of two intensive days of development to our entire management team – 85 in total – and challenged every one of them from CEO to Housekeeping Supervisor to act accountably and address violence in the workplace in a concerted and unrelenting manner. She provided the impetus for a significant cultural change that will ripple throughout the organization and create a safer, healthier, more respectful and compassionate workplace.” Margaret Lerhe, Director of Learning, Bruyère Continuing Care |
“I have listened to numerous speakers in my lifetime but no one has provided me with so much useful information in such an entertaining way as you. I continually share the information with my colleagues and find myself using it at some point in every single work day.” Pat Messner, Teacher, IAPA Conference 2009 |
“Since I heard you speak at the Healthy Workplaces Conference in April 2007, something you said resonated with me. You planted a seed that helped me create a mantra about the 3 R’s – and it’s not about reading, writing and arithmetic. I now talk about Respect, Recognition and Relationships every chance I get within my organization. You said that things can change for the better when we speak out. That’s what I’m doing.” Catherine Thomas, Vice-President, People and Learning, Royal Ottawa Health Care Group |
“The training you gave our employees was understandable, relevant and to the point. The coaching you gave me personally and the private sessions that we had with some of our staff were of immense benefit. These encounters were difficult but necessary and overdue. They were some of my most difficult tasks ever but will probably turn out to be the most profitable for our organization.” Watson A. Fourner, Ing., Director General, Kativik Municipal Housing Bureau
“Frema Engel’s session was wonderful. Our participants found her informative, engaging, dynamic and lively – Frema made learning fun! Her wealth of experience was evident in a balance of solid theory and sound advice coupled with an easy style that made the most of audience participation. Bravo!” Suzanne Belson, Chair, Education and Training Committee, Forum of Canadian Ombudsman
“When I asked Frema Engel to speak to my corporation on the subject of‘Bullying in the workplace’ I had no idea the impact this lady would have. The topic of bullying and/or violence in the workplace is not something management wants to address most times, but one that I feel must be talked about and discussed in an open forum. Frema provided that opportunity to the staff of CATSA and had a lasting impact on many of the employees. Although it has been months since her visit, I still receive comments and have the occasional discussion with colleagues on the subject matter she presented.” Barry Eddy, Manager, Corporate Security & Emergency Preparedness, Canadian Airport Transportation Authority
“Having all of our managers participate in this training has resulted in a greater coherence among this group, has improved our corporate ability to manage crises in a comprehensive manner and has inspired us to develop mechanisms for continuous quality improvement. We learned, we laughed and, most importantly, we left feeling we were all pulling in the same direction.”Patrice Connolly, M.Sc.Adm., Former Director of Program Development and Service Quality, West Montreal Readaptation Centre