Table of Contents
Speaker: Jeremy Bennett
Topic Title:
- Jeremy Bennett, OCD, Goal Achievement, Stress, Anxiety
Professional Fees subject to change without notice
- $ = under $10,000
- Expenses: As incurred
- Travels from: Newfoundland
- Expenses for Travel, (air and ground) Accommodations, Meals, Traveling Companion, and Incidentals are not included in the above fees.
- Discounted Fees: Under rare and special circumstances speakers may discount their fees at their discretion. i.e., booking multiple events with the same client. Non profit organizations may also qualify for a discount.
Having been diagnosed at a young age with a severe form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and anxiety, Jeremy knows first hand the effects of mental illness.
He is known for his statement, “mental illness is as real as a broken bone”.
In 2006, Jeremy graduated from St. Francis Xavier University with a degree in Psychology.
He is the published author of three books including his newest, Calm Your Mind: Transform Your Life.
He has been speaking on the topic of stress and anxiety reduction for over ten years and has starred in three national and international television documentaries on the power of the mind.
His work has given him the opportunity to share his message throughout Canada, the USA and the UK. To date his work has reached over 8 million people.
There are many different causes of anxiety and overwhelming stress. In Jeremy’s books and presentations, he concentrates on two significant causes: our thought patterns and how we react to particular situations.
Jeremy has been featured on many national and international television networks such as CTV, Global TV, Vision TV, NTV, CBC, TSN, and TSN2.
Because of his effort in encouraging those to reach out for professional help to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness, he was selected to represent Canada during Mental Illness Awareness Week.
In addition, because of his impact in the field of stress and anxiety reduction, he was appointed, World Youth Ambassador by The World Organization of Natural Medicine in 2012. In 2013 he was awarded, Personality of the Year by The World Organization of Natural Medicine.
His work in the mental health arena and his presentations have been endorsed by respected experts in the field as well as some of the cast of the hit book and movie, The Secret.
Captivating. Funny. Extremely creative. Entertaining. Impactful.
There is a reason why Jeremy was appointed World Youth Ambassador & awarded Personality of the Year by The World Organization in 2012 and 2014. There is a reason why Jeremy’s live events sell out year after year. There is a reason why his online presence reaches millions of people around the world.
Jeremy has spent years creating a presentation that not only changes lives but also entertains at the same time. We all had to sit in on a boring lecture that may be informative but didn’t quite capture our attention.
Jeremy solved that problem by training with the best in the industry, spending years studying the art of captivation, and even throws in a bit of magic every now and then. Oh yea, did we mention he is a professional magician?
Jeremy has created one of the most entertaining Power Point presentations on the topic, worldwide. Using pictures and videos to captivate every audience his presentation has his audience laughing, crying, pondering, and most importantly transformed.
He will make you laugh, possibly shed some tears, entertain you, and most importantly send you home with the tools you need to calm your mind and transform your life.
Calm Your Mind: Transform Your Life
Keynote: 60/90/120 minutes
Workshop: Half day/full day
Business, corporate, public, etc.
In this transformational presentation/workshop Jeremy teaches how truly powerful the mind is while showing you practical techniques to calm your mind.
You will discover:
How to stop racing thoughts
How to focus better
How to sleep like a baby
How to be the boss of your mind
How to NOT take things personally (game-changer!)
The top 10 things (that you’re probably doing daily) that causes anxiety that you’re unaware of
The top 10 things that you must start doing that will calm your mind
How Jeremy overcame a severe form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder & depression.
You’ll laugh, possibly cry, and be entertained. But most importantly you will leave will life-changing techniques that will help you through any of life’s struggles.
Calm Your Mind: Transform Your Life
Keynote: 60/90 minutes
Grade 7 – 12
In this transformational presentation specifically designed for students Jeremy teaches how truly powerful the mind is while showing students practical techniques to calm their minds.
Students will discover the detrimental effects of:
Bullying/cyber bullying
Alcohol consumption
Marijuana use
Violent video games
Overuse of smart phones
Students will also discover how to:
Calm their minds
Focus better
Reduce stress
Reduce anxiety
Sleep better
Relax during exams
Not take things personally (game-changer!)
Entertaining, funny, captivating, unique, and impactful!
“Jeremy’s message was powerful and captured the students’ attention from beginning to end! He shared valuable information about stress, anxiety and overall mental wellness while blending humour and magic into his presentation. Overall, the presentation was fantastic and generated great conversations among students and staff in the days that followed.”
Dolores Edwards, Pearson Academy
“On Feb. 20, 2017, the students and staff of Heritage Collegiate in Lethbridge, were lucky enough to have Jeremy Bennett present at their school on the topics of stress and anxiety. From the beginning of his presentation you could hear a pin drop. Students and staff were certainly engaged in what he had to say. Not often are rural schools able to avail of such a super speaker who students can relate to. It is not just another talk about mental health, but Jeremy reveals his personal struggles with mental health challenges and provides practical techniques that have worked for him and others. His slideshow and magic help bring some comic relief during this very powerful presentation.
Comments from students, staff and parents were very positive and thought that presentations such as these are so worthwhile and should be provided more often. We need speakers who are dealing with or have overcome their personal struggles to show that there are things that individuals can do to help themselves and that is OK to seek out help from others.
Jeremy’s presentation was well polished, funny, informative and provided great strategies for those who are dealing with stress and anxiety and for those who want to help. We really need more presentations like this in our schools!”
Ms. Gail Burry, Guidance Counsellor, Heritage Collegiate
“The presentation by Jeremy Bennett to Dorset Collegiate students, teachers and support staff was professional, well-polished and impactful. The presentation touched upon a vial area that students and everyone need to be educated on, in particular, reducing anxiety and stress, and achieving and maintaining mental wellness.
Jeremy Bennett kept everyone attentive and provided fantastic information. The magic tricks were amazing!
Comments by everyone who attended the presentation have been so extremely positive.
I highly recommend Jeremy Bennett’s presentation!!! :)”
Mark Warren, Principal, Dorset Collegiate
“Simply one of the best presentations on the subject of mental health in North America. How Jeremy takes the subject of stress and anxiety and adds humour and creativity to it is amazing. Every school needs this presentation!
It’s obvious why Jeremy was appointed, World Youth Ambassador by The World Organization of Natural Medicine. HIGHLY recommend!
Dr. George Grant, Former Senior Health Consultant for Health Canada