Table of Contents
Speaker: Jonathan Zinck, Self Care for Caregivers
Topic Title:
- Jonathan Zinck, Self Care for Caregivers
Professional Fees subject to change without notice
- $$$ =under $15,000
- Expenses: As incurred
- Travels from:
- Expenses for Travel, (air and ground) Accommodations, Meals, Traveling Companion, and Incidentals are not included in the above fees.
- Discounted Fees: Under rare and special circumstances speakers may discount their fees at their discretion. i.e., booking multiple events with the same client. Non profit organizations may also qualify for a discount.
Self Care for Caregivers
Jonathan has a 25-year career in the Caregiving Field that includes working with at-risk youth, helping adults with physical and intellectual exceptionalities, and counselling people with serious mental illnesses. Through his rewarding career he has learned one lesson above all others…you have a responsibility to take care of yourself first before you can step forward to take care of other people. Just as Lifeguards are expected to be stronger swimmers than the average person, so do Caregivers need to have more emotional energy and zest than the average person!
Jonathan has struggled with the feelings of burnout that are common to Care Providers. Low energy, loss of spirit and bitterness are feelings that can turn a job that should be a joy and a privilege into a dreaded duty. However, while reading a book on counsellor training, Jonathan discovered the key to helping Care Providers create the energy and hope they need to thrive: Positive Psychology.
Jonathan started a mission to learn everything he could about the science of Positive Psychology and teach its powerful energy-building techniques to Care Providers everywhere. Along the way Jonathan became a Charter Associate of the International Positive Psychology association and an award-winning fitness instructor. His unique program, “Self-Care for Care Providers” combines the best proven techniques for your body, mind and spirit.
If you are a Care Provider, Jonathan knows that you are making a difference. Now he wants you to feel the pride and overflowing joy and energy that SHOULD come to you in such an honorable profession.
Self-Care for Caregivers
First, a question. What is the definition of an Athlete? An Athlete is a person who uses their body at a much higher intensity than the average person to accomplish their goals. Jonathan believes that you, a Care Provider, are an Emotional Athlete. To do your job well, you use your emotions at a much higher level that the average person to accomplish your goal of providing great care. It sounds simple, yes?
A physical athlete treats their body in a very careful way, especially with nutrition. They need the right kind of food and the right amount of calories. As a Care Provider, how is your Emotional Nutrition? Are you getting enough of the right kind of emotional recharge? Jonathan learned that sitting on the couch and watching TV is not going to let you come back to your job with the energy and optimism that you need.
When you experience “Self-Care for Care Providers” you will learn proven and powerful Positive Psychology Techniques like the Gratitude Letter, the Three Blessing Exercise and more. These new skills will help you remember why you wanted to be a Care Provider in the first place. Jonathan even has a method to get you excited about exercise! (We need to take care of our bodies and minds).
You care for others. It’s your turn to let Jonathan care for you.
“We were absolutely thrilled to have Jonathan as one of our keynote speakers at our 2014 National Health Quality Conference for Extendicare employees working in long term care. We loved Jonathan’s presentation so much that we continue to plan future events together that we know will benefit our employees in better self care today and beyond.”
Melanie Kozlow, Extendicare National Quality Conrference Organizer
“I truly enjoyed the seminar this afternoon! We should have things like that more often! I love how the seminar was focused on the positive end of the stick.”
Manager at Bell Aliant
“After listening to Jonathan Zinck, I realized that I was not living a healthy lifestyle and I chose to follow his advice. I made healthy lifestyle choices with food, exercise and sleep. After one year I had lost approximately 75 pounds of fat and felt physically and emotionally much stronger.”
Judie Martin, Real Estate Salesperson
“Jonathan is a dynamic and engaging speaker whose topics relate to all audiences. The Timmins YJC volunteers look forward to and even request his seminars every year as a means of personal and professional growth.”
Chantal Girard,
Youth Justice Committee Coordinator
“Gave great advice on self-care, not to wear the large “S”. The overflowing pitcher, planning a “beautiful day”. All great suggestions so as not to burn out. Appreciated the light-hearted atmosphere!
“Awesome presenter – useful info presented in a clear concise manner. Good opportunity for group discussion.”
“What a great, informative speaker!”
VCARS Volunteers
“Jon was an engaging, charismatic and energetic presenter. Great listener too!”
“Very inspiring. You can tell he’s speaking from the heart.”
“I’m impressed with the knowledge, energy and humor put into this presentation.”
Katimavik Leaders
Partial Client list
The Ministry of the Attorney General
GoodLife Fitness
Wrigley Canada
Kraft Canada Inc.
Electronic Arts
DeBeers Canada
Detour Gold Corporation
Bell Aliant
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Island Health
MICS Group of Health Services
Human Resources Professionals Association
Heart and Stroke Foundation
Canadian Mental Health Association
Canadian Cancer Society
United Church of Canada
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services
Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies
Ontario Disability Support Program
Northern Lights College
Selkirk College
Northern College of Applied Arts and Technology
Confederation College
The Workplace Safety Insurance Board
Morneau Shepell
Rotary Club
EXPERTECH Network Installation Inc.
Rehab Plus
Northeastern Ontario Child and Family Services
East End Family Health Team
Dumas Mine Contracting
The Literacy Network Northeast
Community Care Access Centre