Speaker: Karen Henderson, Hons BA, CPCA
Topic Title: Aging, Eldercare, Long Term Care Planning
Professional Fees:
$ = under$ 10,000
Professional Fees subject to change without notice.
Expenses: As incurred. Expenses for Travel, (air and ground) Accommodations, Meals, Traveling Companion, and Incidentals are not included in the above fees.
- Discounted Fees: Under rare and special circumstances speakers may discount their fees at their discretion. i.e., booking multiple events with the same client. Non profit organizations may also qualify for a discount
Travels from: Toronto, ON
As the result of a life changing due to a 14 year long term dementia care experience, Karen founded the Long Term Care Planning Network, Canada’s leading resource centre for aging and long term care planning and education. Her seminar series, web site, newsletter and print and electronic tools are recognized as key international long term care educational resources.
For over 25 years Karen has been a well-known speaker, educator, writer and family consultant in the fields of caregiving and long term care.
Over the years she has sat on many not-for-profit/government committees concerned with ageing, Alzheimer’s disease, elder abuse and end of life care. She is a Certified Professional Consultant on Aging (CPCA) who has developed and taught courses for both educational institutions and business organizations. Both Health Canada and the Ontario government have asked her to create content for public education.
Karen has been featured frequently on television, radio and the print media; she helped develop and produce a 13-part television/DVD series entitled Caregiving With June Callwood, and has written many articles about her personal caregiving experience. She has also created the following educational resources to encourage all Canadians to talk about, and prepare for long term care:
- The 10 – Step Long Term Care Planner
- It’s never too early to start the care conversation…A Guide For Adult Children & Their Parents
- Long Term Care: A Practical Planning Guide For Canadians
- The Critical Illness/Long Term Care Planner
Karen has worked with a wide range of organizations across Canada to help her audiences understand the implications of ageing, elder and long term care on financial, personal and family well-being. Her constant research into her areas of expertise means she delivers customized presentations—keynotes, or interactive sessions—that tell it like it is, with honesty, humour and compassion.
Since the inception of COVID Karen has been listening to Canadians’ worries about their long term health care system and is now spending more time advocating for seniors, and educating Canadians along with their professional advisors about the uncertain care challenges and options faced by us all in an ever changing world.
The Realities of Ageing in Canada Today©
The Canadian Health and Long Term Care Systems: A Primer For You And Your Family©
Long Term Care Planning: What Is It And Why Should I Care?©
Ageing in Place: What Everyone Needs to Know to Age With Independence, Dignity and Control©
Alzheimer’s Disease: The World’s Most Significant Unaddressed Health Risk In The 21st Century©
I Am Getting Older (And So Are My Family/Friends): How Can I Know I Will Be OKAY?©
National Speaking Tours For:
Credential Financial – National BERT Conference
Mackenzie Financial ‘Macku Tour’
Sun Life Financial
RBC/Philips, Hager & North
The Knowledge Bureau (Spring 2019 Summit series)
Ryerson Life Institute, Ryerson University, Toronto
PRO Seminars
The Canadian Initiative for Elder Planning Studies
CSI Global Education
CIBC Wood Gundy
Scotia Wealth Management
Manulife Investments
Desjardins Insurance
Raymond James LTD
Sun Life Financial
Estonian Credit Union
WP Financial
Comeau Financial Inc.
International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans
Canadian Military, Colorado Springs, USA
City Of Burlington, ON
Toronto Public Library
MS Society
YPO Forum
GTA Accountants Network
The Granite Club
Ontario Dental Association
“The course was very enjoyable. Karen is very, very knowledgeable and an excellent speaker. More people need this course, and I hope it will be offered again and again.”
“Karen showed me how to locate valuable information and helped me plan my future—invaluable!”
Students – Life Institute, Ryerson University
“You did wonderful work on our video series; I have only good words about you!”
Tremblay Desjardins Insurance
“In June 2016, my Inspire Burlington Speakers Series presented two free community events with Karen as the keynote speaker, focused on helping residents and their families plan ahead. Attendee feedback was overwhelmingly positive. I wholeheartedly recommend Karen as a guest speaker for your event.”
Rick Goldring Mayor, City of Burlington
“I could have listened to Karen for another hour. The topic—long term care planning—is relevant and something our credit union is facing on a regular basis.”
Attendee-Credential Financial BERT Conference
“When it came to a caregiving presentation, the only name everyone could agree on was Karen Henderson’s!”
L. Herratt Etobicoke, ON
“I have done many seminars on long term care over the last 5 years. I was totally floored by your presentation and knowledge”
L Cohen Concord, ON
“On behalf of our group I want to extend our appreciation to you for your great presentation. I don’t think I have ever had so many positive remarks about any speaker before. Sincerely Karen, we were taken with your passion for the topic. The group felt your discussion was invaluable. I know they will be after me to ask you again.”
M. Izenberg Toronto, ON
“In all (and complete honesty) you were the highlight of my course last year. Your talk about your Dad, and the issues related to being a daughter and caregiver left my students (and myself) spellbound. You said it in a way that they understood, punctuated with honesty and humour. You can see why I want you back!!”
M. Shilton, Sheridan College, Toronto, ON
“Your talk to the Canadian Club was excellent. It met what I figure are the criteria for a good Canadian Club address: relevant, timely, well organized, clearly presented by a speaker who knew her subject and had a passionate interest in communicating her message effectively to her audience.”
R. Rice Kingston, ON
“I thought today’s seminar was excellent! You did a fine job of presenting an extremely difficult subject. Although my parents died when I was quite young, I have an elderly aunt that will require extended care eventually. I found myself almost in tears several times. Thank you for addressing a very delicate issue with such finesse!”
M.E. Mitchell Toronto, ON
“You had a great talk on Wednesday and you’ve done a great job at collecting and organizing your material. I will gladly refer families to your web site and services. You certainly talk from the ‘heart”
Dr. P. Derkach Toronto, ON
“Karen makes a great connection with her audience. She confidently delivers a very powerful message, while responding with compassion to the individuals and their situations. She is a great speaker!”
Kathryn Z., Toronto, ON., Financial Seminar Attendee
“You inspired me. I don’t say that about many presentations, but I expect you have changed the way I will continue to practice my trade, and deal with my clients.” J. Chisholm Investment Advisor IFBC Summit
“Your message yesterday was excellent. I have experienced only a fraction of the issues you covered, but I recognize the enormity of the problems. I have some vivid pictures to paint for my clients as we discuss retirement and aging. If you would, I’d like to get a copy of your presentation, or at a minimum, the list of resources. At this point, I believe we can never have too many resources. Again, thanks for your message yesterday. I’m a better-equipped advisor for having attended.” M. Shaver C.A., CFP IFBC Summit
“I was one of the attendees at the EPC Course in April 2004 in Toronto. Your presentation was nothing short of profound. It was very generous of you to share your personal experience in such a positive way.”
N. Butts Investment Advisor, EPC
“I would like to let you know that I found your presentation to the ADVOCIS group in Brantford to be very informative, articulate, and enjoyable. Public speaking is a skill that takes years to perfect and it was clear that you have a very strong ability to present complicated information in a clear and concise manner! You speak very clearly, emphatically, and with tremendous confidence. I also noted your rapport with the audience was very good; you encouraged questions and interaction which made the presentation very enjoyable. Your information & related subject matter was very important and I believe there will certainly be great demand for your time in the near future. I look forward to the chance to hear another presentation of yours!”
S. Fraser Investment Advisor
“Your presentations at last week’s EPC course in Toronto were very moving and provided lots of excellent information and resources – thank you! My father, whom I was very close to, died in July of Parkinson’s Disease after battling it for about 10 years. I could relate to many of the experiences you shared with us about you and your dad and must admit I was close to tears on numerous occasions, as so much sounded familiar. Thank you once again for such an enriching three days.”
J. Garner Investment Advisor Toronto, On.