Table of Contents
Speaker: Peter Bielagus, Young America’s Financial Coach
Topic Title:
- Peter Bielagus, Young America’s Financial Coach
Professional Fees subject to change without notice
- $ = under $10,000
- Expenses: As incurred
- Travels from: Bedford, New Hampshire
- Expenses for Travel, (air and ground) Accommodations, Meals, Traveling Companion, and Incidentals are not included in the above fees.
- Discounted Fees: Under rare and special circumstances speakers may discount their fees at their discretion. i.e., booking multiple events with the same client.
- Non profit organizations may also qualify for a discount.
Young America’s Financial Coach, “The Go-To Guy for Young People & Their Money”
Financial & Tax Planning, Business, Wealth Building, Youth/Children, Economy
For the past seven years, Peter Bielagus (pronounced Bill-a-gus) has been educating Americans about their personal finances. A former fee only financial advisor, Peter now travels the globe delivering keynotes and workshops at colleges, corporations, independent schools and military bases all over the world. He has spoken in Japan, Korea, the Middle East, Europe, in 48 States, and even on military ships at sea. Peter is the author of two books and has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, PBS, USA Today and many other media outlets. Peter’s goal is to improve American lives through financial education.
Peter Bielagus became a top authority on money management for Young America the hard way, by first falling deep into credit card debt. Peter entered college with several thousand dollars in savings, but within 6 months he found himself $5,000 in credit card debt. Determined to dig his way out of debt, Peter began learning about personal finance, reading over 300 books on the subject, interviewing experts, and attending seminars. By graduation, Peter’s cards were clean and he was on his way to financial freedom.
After graduating, Peter went to work for a national financial company and became the top salesperson in his district, in his first year. Shortly after getting his financial planning license, Peter then opened up his own fee-only financial planning firm, one of the few in the country that catered exclusively to young people.
He is the author of two books Getting Loaded: Make a Million, While You’re Still Young Enough To Enjoy It and Quick Cash For Teens: Make Money And Be Your Own Boss.
Peter is a frequent guest on television and radio shows nationwide and has been featured in several of the country’s premier publications, such as The Wall Street Journal, The Miami Herald, and USA Today.
In addition to writing and speaking, Peter has created many financial education products, including the interactive CD-ROM, Mastering Your Personal Finances, and the 70 minute audio program The Free Way Guide To Personal Finance.
Affectionately known as the “Go To Guy For Young People and Their Money,” Peter Bielagus is one of the few licensed financial advisors in the country who specializes exclusively in Young America. Peter now gives over 80 presentations a year, worldwide, for high school and college students, all branches of the United States Military, and young professionals, showing them how to jumpstart their financial lives.
In addition to speaking to Young America, Peter also speaks about Young America. He shows parents, corporations, and educators how to get young people excited about money management.
Mixing humor and emotion with real life examples, Peter empowers audiences of all ages to get started today on managing their money.
College Presentations:
How To Put More Money In Your Pocket Today: A College Personal Finance Boot Camp™ (This is Peter’s most popular program!)
Money management problems are now the number one reason students drop out of college. Many that do graduate often find themselves with so much debt, that their career choice cannot support the payments. Colleges and universities are under increasing pressure to retain students and make sure they are financially prepared to meet their student loan obligations. Peter can help. Presented over 500 times at colleges all over the country, Peter leads students on a hilarious tour of the money maze. In this interactive program (yes, students are encouraged to use their cell phones during the presentation) Peter serves up a bunch of “start now” strategies that help students manage their debt, control their spending, protect their identities and increase their credit scores, all without ever getting a credit card.
How To Put More Money In Your Pocket Today: (Faculty Version)
Since Peter is an all day speaker, why not offer an additional program for your faculty and staff? Peter has been offering this additional program since he began speaking seven years ago. Often the attendance rivals that of the student programs!
How To Put More Money In Your Pocket Today: A Military Personal Finance Boot Camp™ (This is Peter’s most popular program!)
Presented at bases all over the world to every branch of the US Armed Forces, Peter helps our servicemembers navigate their financial futures. Peter is intimately familiar with military changes and challenges, including the GI Bill, REDUX, HAP, SDP, and many others. In this high energy presentation, Peter will point out the resources on base (even inviting base financial counselors to stand and be recognized.) He’ll explain how servicemembers get paid in “stuff”- free legal advice, complimentary financial counseling, tax free housing- and how they can use this perks to their financial advantage. Past commands have noted that after Peter leaves, attendance at future financial workshops increases and the appointment books of financial counselors rapidly begin to fill up.
Train the Trainer: How Officers and Senior Enlisted Can Motivate Their Servicemembers To Make Smart Financial Choices.
Frustrated when hard earned combat pay is spent on a new car with an 18% interest rate? Upset that servicemembers are not taking full advantage of their TSP? While officers and senior enlisted have authority over their commands with regards to military affairs, they have no such authority when it comes to the financial affairs of the individual servicemember. What can be done? In this workshop aimed exclusively at command leadership, Peter shares the tips he has picked up from speaking at over dozens of commands all over the world. Gathering strategies from all ranks, Peter summarizes what works and what doesn’t. Officers and senior enlisted will leave with proven strategies they can use to help those they oversee.
Independent Schools:
Full Program: (3 Days):
■ 2 General Sessions or 2 Student Sessions (or one of each)
■ Up to 15 Independent Education Sessions or Classroom Visits Pilot Program: (1 Day)
■ 1 General Session or 1 Student Session
■ Up to 4 Independent Education Sessions
All seminars are taught by Peter Bielagus. Programs can consist of the following types of sessions and each school may customize their program based on their needs:
■ 90 minute faculty and staff general session:
Peter presents a broad overview of current financial issues and opportunities that apply specifically to faculty and staff in the independent and boarding school arena.
■ 60 minute student session:
Peter presents his high energy “Jumpstart Your Personal Finances” session to students (presented at high schools, colleges and military bases over 60 times per year.)
■ Classroom visits:
Peter can visit classrooms if a school wide presentation isn’t feasible.
■90 minute Independent Education Session (IES):
Peter sits with Faculty and staff members (and their spouse) for a one on one session to discuss their financial strategy. 30 days after an IES participants will receive a 7-10 page customized written action plan.
Jumpstart Your Personal Finances
Money management problems are the number one reason couples get divorced. Employees who have debt troubles are more likely to under perform due to stress, switch employment, or even commit employee theft. In this high energy presentation, Peter takes your employees through the money maze showing them long term strategies for financial abundance, as well as, inspiring short term actions they can begin literally before they walk out the door of Peter’s speech! Before every speech, Peter takes the time to research the specific issues and opportunities your employees or association members face. Every presentation is customized so that your organization’s needs are addressed.
Making Finance Fun: How To Get Young Americans Excited About The World’s Most Boring Subject
Is your group responsible for teaching finance or marketing financial products to young Americans? If so, this presentation will help your organization to better connect with this tough, technologically savvy and financially skeptical demographic. This presentation is not forged out of research from text books written years ago; rather it is compiled with fresh, ever changing information Peter hears from young Americans in the more than 60 speeches he does every single year.
It takes a special gift to motivate students, but that is exactly what Peter is able to do as he “works” the crowd. His flexible style is suited to any audience and he knows how to engage them with the simplest questions.”
Ellie G. Cochran Director of Community Relations The Derryfield School
“Hey Peter, My name is John, I saw your presentation last night and I thought it was great. I just wanted to tell you a little story real quick. Well last night before you spoke, my friends and I were only going to go because our teacher told us if we write a paper on what you talked about we could receive extra credit. Although after your talk I didn’t even care about the extra credit any more because I came away with so much information. I had no idea what a Fico score was. I just wanted to thank you for taking time to talk to all of us. I also can’t wait to read your book. Thank you again.”
John B. Student Wesley College; Dover, Delaware
“I was in the financial advising/investment field for over 40 years and the one thing I heard from every single one of my clients was, “I wish I started earlier.” Peter’s generation is lucky to have him out there, teaching the financial tools that other generations never had. There’s no doubt in my mind, his message is a must.”
Ernie Faminghetti Former Manager of the billion-dollar New England Trust Fund
“It [the program] definitely shed some light on the question I ask myself everyday (Why am I so broke?). I think you did a great job and everyone in college needs to hear you lecture. Thanks again.”
Ronnell P.
“I appreciate your financial brief to our Sailors. The Navy is getting away from this “old style” military training into something that is much more updated, effective and meaningful. Such training gets the message across to military personnel and their dependents quite effectively.”
McCully M.
[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYtuqyZfjec” title=”Peter%20Bielagus” rel=”0″]