Speaker: Dr. Bill Crawford
Topic Title: Dr. Bill Crawford , Dealing with Difficult People, Dealing with your Children, Communication,
- Conflict Resolution, Problem Solving, Team Building,
Stress, Employee Retention, Diversity, Change, Beyond Customer Service
Professional Fees subject to change without notice
- $$$ = under- $25,000
Table of Contents
Very Flexible Fee Policy
The “Very Flexible Policy” is for organizations who have budgets in the $5,000 to $25,000 range. Again, because I believe that I am always working with people of integrity, if you will agree to pay me the maximum your budget will allow, I will agree to speak at your event for this amount.
Fee Range
- Keynotes: $1,500 to $25,000
- Full-day trainings/presentations: $1,500 to $10,000
- Half-day trainings/presentations: $750 to $7,500
- One hour to an hour and a half training/presentation: $500 to $5,000
- Consulting: $1,000 to $3,000 per day
- Individual Counseling: $60 to $160 per hour
- Executive Coaching: $100 to $300 per hour
As you can see, the range is quite wide due to the variety of organizations that have requested my services. As mentioned, the goal of this philosophy is to make integrity the driving energy in terms of negotiating fees, and to deal with the issue of budget constraints in a creative way so that my message of clarity, confidence, and creativity is available to as many people and as many organizations as possible.
If this concept of Integrity-Based Pricing appeals to you, I look forward to creating a presentation for you and your organization.
- Expenses: As incurred
- Travels from: Bellaire, TX
- Expenses for Travel, (air and ground) Accommodations, Meals, Traveling Companion, and Incidentals are not included in the above fees.
- Discounted Fees: Under rare and special circumstances speakers may discount their fees at their discretion. i.e., booking multiple events with the same client.
- Non profit organizations may also qualify for a discount.
In addition to being named TEC Canada Speaker of the Year in 2016 and Vistage Speaker of the Year for 2019, Dr. Crawford holds a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Houston.
He is also a licensed psychologist, author of 8 books, and organizational consultant.
Over the past 30 years he has created over 3500 presentations for organizations such as Sprint, Shell, The American Medical Association, Vistage, and many others both nationally and internationally. His two PBS specials on stress and communication have been seen by over 15 million people, and he has been quoted as an expert in publications such as The New York Times, Entrepreneur, Investor’s Business Daily, The Chicago Tribune, and Working Mother just to name a few.
Clarity, Confidence, & Creativity
New Information on The Science of Dealing With Stress, People, & Life!
Everyone has heard the statistics…75% of people today describe their lives as “very stressful,” and given the pace of globalization, chances are that it’s only going to get worse. Going way beyond “stress management,” Dr. Crawford first demonstrates why so much of the advice about how to deal with these problems will never work. Then, using common language and common sense, he gives his audiences a step- by-step system for changing the chemical make-up of our body and accessing the clear, confident, creative part of the brain so that we can deal with stress, people, and life more successfully, even in the most difficult situations.
Getting Others to Get It!
New Information on The Science of Influence and Communication
Ever tried to communicate important information to someone, only to have them become defensive, or argumentative? This can be a big problem, because often the conversation turns into a debate, with them defending the very behavior you want them to change! In “Getting Others to Get It,” Dr. Crawford goes way beyond “good communication skills” by showing participants what is really happening when others are being resistant, and why trying to explain things to them rationally doesn’t work! Then, he will show you how to engage people so that they shift from the resistant brain to the receptive brain so that they can hear and understand what you are wanting them to know.
Leadership From the “Top of the Mind”
The challenge for leaders is that they are required to deal with high-level problems with serious implications while predicting the future, and consistently bringing out the best in others. This requires them to be a combination of visionary, effective problem-solver, and psychologist. This is where the “Top of the Mind” system is extremely effective, because these abilities reside in the upper 80% of the brain. Plus, in order to bring out the best in people (as well as convince others to support your ideas) one must be able to get them to shift from the resistant brain to the receptive brain so that they understand and act upon your directives. Or, as one participant put it, “Finally, someone has delivered new tools & a new perspective based not just on soft skills, but hard science that we can use immediately!”
Other Topics Dr. Crawford Can Address Using His Unique System:
- New Information on the Neuroscience of Emotional Intelligence
- The Compass Personality System
- All Stressed Up & Nowhere To Go!
- Feedback Skills for Supervisors
- New Information on the Neuroscience of Personal Accountability
- How To Get People To Buy In To Your Culture
I have always been grateful when I have received a speaker recommendation from a colleague or professional who has worked with a presenter and seen him or her in action. Therefore, I wanted to let you know about an excellent speaker (Dr. Bill Crawford) that we have used at three of our national conferences.
Dr. Crawford holds a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Houston and is a licensed psychologist, as well as the author of seven books, which means he brings a high level of expertise and content to his topics. What makes him so effective as a speaker, however, is the way he translates this information into common language and presents it with energy and humor (in fact, our members keep telling us that his use of humor reminds them of Steve Martin!).
He brings a fresh, scientific perspective to the issues we all face on a daily basis (stress, communication, leadership, dealing with limited resources, diversity, bringing our best to our roles as professionals, etc.) which really seems to resonate with our members, and he has been able to apply this new information to a variety of formats including concurrent sessions, general sessions, and keynotes. This combination of unique content and engaging presentation style has resulted in our continuing to ask him back to speak at our national conferences, as well as his being booked to keynote at least ten of our state conferences. He will also be doing a workshop for our State Auxiliary Presidents at the American Hospital Association Annual meeting in Washington DC.
I can tell you from experience that he is a joy to work with, and has shown consistent flexibility with respect to fees and logistics, which I have greatly appreciated. If he sounds like someone you would be interested in, I encourage you to visit his website (www.billcphd.com) where you can learn more about his credentials, national press, track record, etc., and even view footage of his second nationally televised PBS special via YouTube!
“Dr. Bill Crawford, was our Keynote Speaker at both the 6th and 9th Global Compliance Solutions’ Annual Anti-Money Laundering, Compliance & Financial Crimes Conference in Grand Cayman.The conference, is the largest of its type in the Caribbean region, and is attended by top-level management both locally and internationally in the Financial Services industry. Dr. Crawford was able to tie his expertise to what was important for our delegates, and it was a brilliant way to start the GCS conference! He captivated everyone with his informative, entertaining, and above all, relevant presentation. They truly appreciated Bill’s take on “Getting Others to Get It: Convincing Others of the Importance of Compliance”, as can be seen by the comments below:
- “Excellent speaker — wish I had heard him before now”
- “A lively and practical presentation”
- “Informative and entertaining”
- “Bill gave real points for dealing with people both on the job and personally”
- “He got the audience involved. It was a great presentation”
- “I enjoyed this presentation so much and it was so relevant to me!”
- “What an informative approach to a difficult situation”
- “Thought provoking, and at the same time informative”
- “Very, very useful topic. I can definitely use this information!”
- “I really liked the practical advice given”
- “Informative topic — well presented”
- “Excellent presentation and the information was very valuable”
While having a psychologist keynote a conference on compliance and anti-money laundering is not the norm, Dr. Crawford’s presentation was so well crafted, and presented in such an engaging manner that he turned out to be the perfect speaker to kick off our conference. I heartily recommend him to any conference planner looking for a dynamic opening or closing keynote speaker with a new perspective on dealing with others and bringing our best to life!”
Very Flexible Fee Policy
The “Very Flexible Policy” is for organizations who have budgets in the $5,000 to $25,000 range. Again, because I believe that I am always working with people of integrity, if you will agree to pay me the maximum your budget will allow, I will agree to speak at your event for this amount.
Extremely Flexible Fee Policy
My “Extremely Flexible Policy” is for organizations whose budget is below $5000, and yet still want a quality speaker for your event. In this case, I just ask you to make up the difference with enthusiastic recommendations to your colleagues. This means that in exchange for my working with your budget of less than $5000, you:
- Pay me the maximum your budget will allow.
- Explore whether your organization might have a separate budget for materials that would allow you to purchase a copy of one of my books for each of the participants.
- Send an email out to your state and national professional association recommending that they consider me for future events.
- Post a review of his message and material on your Facebook page and/a send a short “tweet” out if you have a twitter account.
- Add me to your professional LinkedIn network (if you are a LinkedIn member) and post a recommendation there as well.
- Do anything else you can think of that might result in others learning of the value of my presentations.
While this policy was designed to make the process of hiring me easier, for some, this ambiguity has reportedly been somewhat stressful. Therefore if you would be more comfortable knowing the range of fees I have received for engagements in the past, I am happy to share that information with you.
Fee Range
- Keynotes: $1,500 to $25,000
- Full-day trainings/presentations: $1,500 to $10,000
- Half-day trainings/presentations: $750 to $7,500
- One hour to an hour and a half training/presentation: $500 to $5,000
- Consulting: $1,000 to $3,000 per day
- Individual Counseling: $60 to $160 per hour
- Executive Coaching: $100 to $300 per hour
As you can see, the range is quite wide due to the variety of organizations that have requested my services. As mentioned, the goal of this philosophy is to make integrity the driving energy in terms of negotiating fees, and to deal with the issue of budget constraints in a creative way so that my message of clarity, confidence, and creativity is available to as many people and as many organizations as possible.
If this concept of Integrity-Based Pricing appeals to you, I look forward to creating a presentation for you and your organization.