Bruce Lee, Productivity, Engagement, Accountability Expert


Speaker:  Bruce Lee                 

Topic Areas


    Professional Fees subject to change without notice

  • $ = under $10,000+
    Expenses:    As incurred                
  • Travels from: Calgary, Alberta
  • Expenses for Travel, (air and ground) Accommodations, Meals, Traveling Companion, and Incidentals are not included in the above fees.
  • Discounted Fees:  Under rare and special circumstances speakers may discount their fees at their discretion. i.e., booking multiple events with the same client.
  •  Non profit organizations may also qualify for a discount.


BRUCE LEE is an international event speaker, coach, MC and author. His passion is working with individuals and organizations by offering real solutions to their current challenges through high-value “what to do” content-rich information, an engaging style and real life situations that all audiences can relate to.
The objective is to enhance leadership performance and individual productivity in order to improve bottom line results, increase market share and vital employee and customer loyalty and retention. This will create the culture you need where customers and staff do not want to leave.
As a former business owner and with extensive experience gained through involvement in four businesses from a good cross section of industry; banking, credit, oil and gas, executive recruiting and a retail business, prior to becoming a professional speaker, Bruce brings a hands-on approach to measuring and maintaining employee satisfaction.
Each presentation includes a variety of additional resources and tools designed to support the training and increase the skills which are important to everyone.


    Doing the right activities at the right time with the correct resources. This starts at the strategic planning phase and goes through to time management and implementation of new ideas, strategies and deliverables.
    The effective education, motivation and buy in by management and employees to the organizations mission that ensures customer / patient / resident / members / vendors satisfaction and retention.
    Providing systems and check points and the communication tools to ensure the work gets done on time, every time


Bruce Lee has a highly entertaining and effective delivery on an impressive variety of keynotes and workshops on productivity, customer service and leadership by combining humor and the latest business concepts and realities. All education sessions are focused on the actual implementation of the ideas and strategies – otherwise, why provide the training?

In the business world, Bruce gained valuable management. marketing and sales experience as manager for the VISA credit card operation of a major bank, and in the oil and gas industry as a marketing representative for a fully integrated oil company.
He was an executive recruitment consultant in charge of setting up their international operations, prior to launching a retail grocery and gas convenience store business. Joining Custom Learning Systems in 1990, now Canada’s largest training and implementation company, as President and Director of Marketing, helped grow it into an international operation with 14 staff and a team of 10 speakers in the United States and Canada, with sales in the mid 7 figure range. On a personal note, Bruce gets things done with a passion both outdoors and for his community.
He is a semi-professional and published photographer, avid mountain hiker, road biker, scuba diving enthusiast, downhill skier, a regular blood donor with 420 donations to date, is active on several Boards, and volunteers teaching business courses on behalf of Junior Achievement in school programs.

Keynote and Breakout Topics

1. The Seven Attributes of Personal and Professional Success = OUTCOMES

Action, Power, Passion, Results! An inspired look at how to put the power of attitude and excellence to work for you in order to accelerate your company, your professional career and your personal life. It will touch on exactly what it is that separates the average performer from the superstar
2. The Power of Trust in the Workplace or
    The Power of Trust For The Healthcare Professional (healthcare version)
This keynote addresses how to grow, sustain and maintain trust – an attribute that can make the difference between being successful, or not. Trust in the workplace and with your workforce  is a must for the customer (patient/resident) and prospects as your reputation depends on it. Learn who can be trusted, those who can’t and how to build trust in your employees.
3. The Magic of Engagement (healthcare keynote)
An engaged workforce is not an option these days. This keynote will show you how to effectively engage and motivate employees that will be measureable by improved survey scores and retention levels by your patient, customer, resident and employees.
4. How To Get Control of Your Day, Life and Career – Time Management
Tackle your #1 problem – lack of enough time! This combines the best of time management with the most critical templates along with the best attributes of leadership that focus on creating results. The bottom line – moving careers ahead by doing the right things at the right time.
5. Working With The Generation Y Employee  
This session will explain how to get all four generations working together. Understand why Generation Y is called the “Echo Generation” and how to bring out their intense loyalty and enthusiasm. Technology is key!
6. Coaching and Retaining Your Talent
Most new employees in today’s companies are not job ready, and often times they have yet to develop the  entrepreneurial skills appropriate to the company’s environment. Learn how to identify, develop and grow  employees present and potential strengths. Turn good employees into great employees by high achievement through high expectations, trust and being constantly challenged .
7. Healthcare
NEW: “Gossip, Gab and Destructive Behavior: How to Neutralize A Negative Workplace”
Bad attitudes and behavior sabotages the performance of those it is directed at, destroys moral, lowers self-esteem and
reduces teamwork and productivity. Learn the surprising causes of this and how to eliminate it. This can be presented as
either a 60 or 75 minute keynote or you can go more in depth to get to solution with a two or three hour workshop.

Ignite the Best – Empower the Rest


 NOTICE: Ideally to achieve the maximum benefit from this webinar, you should have one other
person with you so you can work through the questions you will be asked to comment on.
  • If you want your people to perform as stars, you must help them see themselves as stars

The secret to obtaining the maximum result from any presentation, is when you actually work the content by the questions asked. Preferably, work these with someone else so you can both benefit from hearing each other’s ideas and be affirmed that what you know is correct. Unless there is some sort of active working of the content, 93% of it will be forgotten in less than 60 hours. This webinar is unique in that you will be asked to address 7 questions that show you how to engage, inspire and generate employees embracing any new idea sent their way – and that will make you a better leader.

Session Description:

This is an inspired look at how to put the power of attitude and excellence to work for you that will accelerate your professional career, improve your personal life and speed your journey to excellence. This session identifies exactly what it is that separates the average employee from the superstar. You will learn the traits, skills, habits, and behaviors that motivate anyone you work with, to a higher level of contribution and subsequent success. It is impression management, awareness of the image you are presenting to others.

What drives you? What is the one thing that is your purpose in life? The answer to this will get and keep you focused on being the best you can be. Your attitude, and behavior, impacts everything you do, what you say, how you say it, and how it influences everyone you connect with. See just how important the soft skills of recognition, appreciation, and an ability to set high expectations are in getting employees fully engaged. Introduce a greater level of personal growth and individual acknowledgment. Productivity, accountability, creativity, and morale will improve!

How we communicate affects everyone. Great communication, great results, poor communication, poor results. It is vital for you to retain, inspire and empower your employees, which comes by setting the example of what a great attitude and behavior looks like. “You are important to me, our team, our clients and customers.” See how to take charge of your influence and power, and why it is attitude that matters. Hear the story of the value of first impressions and a smile! Check out all the steps empower and motivate everyone.

What You Will Learn:

– Learn the power behind Enthusiasm and how to show it, share it, and develop it in others

– Understand why you must lead by example, be leading with purpose

– Learn techniques on how the audience can embrace the content by having them talk to others about
their experiences and hear others experiences and examples

– See how to embrace your role at work in a new way that inspires everyone to do the same

– Adopt three specific ways to develop your personal power and bring it out in others
– See how to deliver “The Greatest Management Principle” that retains and empowers employees
– Understand your personal power is how you “S.A.M.” everyone that develops superstars
Set high expectations –
Appreciation is key
Making a difference

BONUS Measurement Tools for You:

– Free PDF version of E-Book: Why Trust Me? Making Trust Your Competitive Edge
– Self-Test: Rating Your Soft Skill Leadership Attributes (employee loyalty focus)

– Self-Test: Confidential Leadership Empowerment Survey (employee retention)

– COACH – Coaching Skills Self-Assessment (how to coach, empower, be coached)

– My L.I.S.T. – how to get to know the driving/ motivation side of an employee
– A link to all the complimentary resources on the Bruce Lee Web Site

What makes your session attractive to managers and leadership?

Everyone needs a regular “check-up from the neck up” to stay engaged in their work, be there for their members, customers, clients – and prospects. This delivers a fun, light session with three memorable stories that will remain with you forever, and specific steps on how to build and maintain a great personal reputation.

3 reasons this topic is relevant to businesses: 

  1. It is vital to be able to retain, inspire and empower your employees by setting the example of what a great attitude and behavior looks like
  2. When everyone takes charge of their influence and power, everyone wins. It is good to feel good about yourself and your associates.

 This will help them develop a commitment by everyone for quality service, establish a mentality of “Continuous Improvement” and anchor in a greater level of personal growth and individual acknowledgment

Gossip, Bullying, and Destructive Behaviour:

How to Neutralize A Negative Workplace Environment

Course Summary:

Bad attitudes, jealousy and disruptive behaviour will sabotage hospital morale, lower self-esteem and reducing teamwork and productivity. When toxic behaviour infects a organization at any level, managers may be tempted to ignore it or give in, the wrong thing to do, but tolerating it is not a solution!

This session will show you how to neutralize gossip and put a system in place to ensure it does not re-occur, starting with that of Zero Tolerance and workplace reprimands. The destructive effects of blaming others, griping, pessimism and of always passing the buck needs to be stopped. In this session, you will learn to keep emotional control and tame disruptive and destructive behaviour.

Learning Objectives:

– How managers inadvertently reward negative and destructive behaviours.
– The steps you need to act on in order to keep total control of the situation.
– The four types of problem employees there can be and how they become a problem.
– How to turn around the gossip, gab and the grapevine to create more empowered employees.
– How to tell when someone is lying to you and how to confront them on it.
– When to focus on the behaviour you see and not the attitude behind it.
– How to identify all the forms of bullying there are that you need to control.
– Learn which topics should not be talked about at work.
– How to stop the rumour mill before it gets started with a policy of transparency.
– Why people want to ‘push your buttons’ by their off-side or inappropriate comments.
– The D.I.S.C. Personality Profile – that teaches how people do what they do – good or bad.
– How to control the unwritten rules of the office that becomes the negative culture to discipline
– How to adopt great techniques to use when employees blame others or deny responsibility

Topic Background:

Trust and engagement matters. This topic has evolved over the years based on first-hand experience building, managing and supporting businesses at many levels as well as working with corporate clients and associations for 28 years on their real issues. From all that experience, it has become evident that when you do not control bad behaviour, your reputation and business success suffers. With all the news the past few years of these topics, this addresses the why and the how to control it, people, their education and your leadership success.


“So many valuable teaching points to take back and demonstrate in my day to day work life. I will
definitely be using many of these leadership techniques. Thank you!” – Joey Tingley, RN/Clinic Manager, Wabash Valley Health Center

“Such good content! Learned a lot to take back with me, very engaging.”
– Sara Berntgen, Manager of Patient Access, Whitman Hospital and Medical Clinics

“Fantastic job.”
– Jeremy Conoyer, EMS, Pike County Memorial Hospital

“Love the My List template. Thank you so much for the tips!”
– Shanna Chaumont, Director of Pharmacy, Allen Parish Community Healthcare

“I enjoyed the interactive presentation with valuable tools that can be implemented immediately.”
– Krista Jones, Director of Therapy Services, Whitman Hospital and Medical Clinics

– Kristy Gensler, RN, Providence Medical Center


– Nicci Hays, HR Director, Claiborne Memorial Medical Center

“Absolutely amazing and an eye opener for what change can do!”
– Larissa Gray, Accounting/Administration, Morrow County Health District

– Mari Jo Timmons, Inpatient Nurse Manager, Van Diest Medical Center

“Awesome presentation!”
– Erin Andrus, Clinical Director, Christus St. Frances Cabrini Hospital

“I loved the activity, especially with people I do not usually work with.”
– Troy Sanders, Emergency Management Coordinator, Good Samaritan Hospital

“Great job!”
– Grace Sandoval, Care Coordinator, Rio Grande Hospital