Bryan Seely, Hacker, Cyber Security Expert



Speaker:            Bryan Seely,      

Topic Title:                 

  1.  Hacker & Cyber Security Expert

    Professional Fees subject to change without notice

  • $$ = between $10,000 – $15,000
  • Expenses:    As incurred                
  • Travels from:    Seattle Washington     
  • Expenses for Travel, (air and ground) Accommodations, Meals, Traveling Companion, and Incidentals are not included in the above fees.
  • Discounted Fees:  Under rare and special circumstances speakers may discount their fees at their discretion. i.e., booking multiple events with the same client.  Non profit organizations may also qualify for a discount.


Famous Ethical Hacker & Cyber Security Expert
Media commentator for CNBC, Fox News, CNN, WSJ.
Author of Cyber Fraud: The Web of Lies
Keynote Speaker to Fortune 500 & more.



man speaking on stage
Bryan Seely, Hacker & Cyber Security Expert

Bryan Seely is a world-famous hacker, Cybersecurity expert, author, international keynote speaker and former U.S. Marine. Seely became one of the most famous hackers in 2014 when he became the only person to ever wiretap the United States Secret Service and FBI. Shockingly he told the 2 agencies before he was caught, and instead of being sent to maximum security prison, the Secret Service called him a hero and praised his courage and integrity.

He has appeared in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington as well as television appearances on Closing bell on CNBC, CNN, FOX News, ABC, NBC and TMZ with Harvey Levin. Bryan is passionate about fighting for consumers rights, privacy and educating the public about how to stay safe in a constantly changing technology landscape. He currently works as a Senior Security Architect for Cyemptive Technologies and is the cofounder / CISO of a startup named Mobileyme. Bryan is also professional keynote speaker, podcast host and full time single father of 2 usually-adorable children.


2022: What the H@ck is going on

Hackers and criminals are proving to be increasingly effective at breaching corporate networks and gaining footholds. In 2022, we have already seen an incredible number of breaches / public hacks that are not just the typical ransomware attacks. Even a very large Ransomware gang was hacked themselves. The Russia Ukraine conflict has brought cyberattacks to the front page and into outer space, in this talk you will find out a lot more about what is going on and what to worry about.


Inside an Elite Hacking Organization: LAPSUS$

Hackers are proving to be increasingly effective at breaking into companies all over the globe. In 2022, we have already seen an incredible number of breaches / public hacks that are not just the typical ransomware attacks. Hear all about one of the top hacking organizations, their methods and what you can do to prevent them, or a group like them, from successfully hacking your organization.



Whether it is ransomware, fraudulent wire transfers or corporate espionage, the first thing that the sophisticated hacking groups do is make a list of the top executives at a given company and learn everything they can about them. This makes spear phishing success rates sky rocket, and the statistics don’t lie. Learn how to defend against this, how to protect your organization as well as your own digital life and family.



Hackers and criminals are proving to be increasingly effective at breaching corporate networks and gaining footholds. Many companies that are hit with ransomware were not ready and the rate that companies are paying out millions is going up at a steady pace.

Whether you are a small business or a large multi-national conglomerate, your company is a target.

Learn how to significantly reduce your risk to the most prominent attacks that your company faces so that you can sleep more peacefully at night.



Every day that goes by, the hackers and scammers of the world are sharing information, learning from each other and getting better with their tools and application of social engineering techniques. What happened in some of the largest breaches in hacking history, and what your company can do to avoid becoming front page news. Lets face it, if you are online, the hackers are already scanning everything they can get their hands on to learn how to break in.


World Famous Hacker Bryan Seely is no stranger to the risks that exist in the world today. What most people don’t quite realize is how terrifying the world can be when you are suddenly responsible for the safety and welfare of an adorable newborn baby, or what happens when your pride and joy gets her first cell phone and wants to be on social media. What does a famous hacker do to protect his children at school? Online? At home?


Hackers are getting more and more creative every single day. Companies spend months or years creating a defense only to find out that the hackers have already figured out another way in. Hackers don’t think like the rest of the population, which is why they are able to spot weaknesses that everyone else just walks right by. Luckily, one of these brilliant hacker types uses his skills to protect consumers and companies, Bryan Seely is one of these individuals. In this session you will hear the story of how Bryan wiretapped the United States Secret Service and FBI and then walked into their office the next day to let them know there was a problem they needed to fix . Find out why he did it, what his thought process was, and even learn a few secrets that the general public doesn’t know about. If you are looking for insights into what hackers are thinking, how they operate, and how you can protect yourself against them, then this is a keynote you will not want to miss.


For clients that need to create a specific event or unique presentation, this is your best choice. Bryan will work with you to create a speech that is tailored to your audience. Some clients want longer Q&A, others want panel discussions, break out sessions, added humor, no humor, or just dry humor. So far no requests for “more puns” but it is 2021, so anything can happen I suppose. Keynotes from 30 minutes to 90 minutes and everything in between.


“Bryan is an outstanding addition to the MGT Hacker Advisory Board as a renowned ethical hacker. He thinks entirely out of the box, and has consistently looked to leverage his skills for the good of society”
-John McAfee Founder of McAfee Antivirus and Technology Icon


“Bryan Seely received a full house standing ovation following his keynote at our event yesterday. Resounding feedback from attendees indicated that his was the most impactful session of all time in the 15 year history of our conference.”

Caryn Blake | VP Global Marketing @ Spiceworks

“Bryan is a soundbite machine with an uncanny ability to render complex subjects not only accessible but relatable and entertaining. His depth of knowledge is undeniable, but he’s not your typical ‘expert’ because he’s on the level.”
-James O’Hagen | Euronews

“Bryan brought a wealth of knowledge and depth of understanding to a room filled with IT professionals at the Spiceworks 2022 yearly conference. A credible gentleman who kept the room engaged. He was relatable & experienced which in turn allowed us to trust and take his advice to heart. A wonderful storyteller and able to masterfully weave critical messages in his talk. Through all the hard topics and life lessons, Bryan left us inspired, destigmatized, and able to look for help in the right ways. I highly recommend him as a keynote speaker.”
Dave Guenther – Sys Admin / Spiceworld Attendee

“I was lucky enough to hear Bryan speak at the SpiceWorld Conference 2022. Without a doubt the most powerful Keynote speaker I have ever had the privilege to listen to. As someone that has struggled with mental health it is refreshing to have such a sensitive topic brought to light in a way that keeps the audience engaged. The only speaker at the conference that earned a standing ovation, and a well deserved one at that.”

Albert Boyson | Sys Admin / Spiceworld Attendee


“I saw Bryan speaking in Dubai and not only is his story on wiretapping the Secret Service impressive and almost surreal, but he is also an incredibly engaging speaker that somehow manages to make cyber security interesting and entertaining. His passion and energy got the event off to a great start! Bryan tailored a message that was spot on in the material, highly engaging and humorous at the same time! No speaker has ever held my attention for that long. Ever. Do yourself a favor — get Bryan for your next conference. You can thank me later!”
-Jelena Matone | Senior Head, CISO & OpRisk, European Investment Bank; President at Women4Cyber Foundation


“Mr. Seely was without a doubt very instrumental in providing the HPE Security SWAT team real world context of Cyber Security threats methods and use cases across the spectrum. Bryan provided excellent insights into what it takes to train in Cyber Sec and InfoSec as well as providing in-depth knowledge of his background and his thinking outside the box to provide counter-measures to bad-actors and tracking them using a wide variety of methods. Bryan is an incredible resource and very well respected in the industry and comes highly recommended not only for his persistence in defend and tracking but his tireless work ethic, think some of which was gleaned from his time as a US Marine. We here at HPE plan to continue our relationship with him and leverage him for future engagements. We’re certainly glad to have someone like him on our side of the Cyber World! Thanks Bryan for all you do for Cyber and outside as well! What a great human being!”
-Kevin White | Chief Technologist @ HP

“Bryan, Thanks for making me safer! ”
-Steve Young – Hall of Fame Quarterback 2005, San Francisco 49ers & Founder HGGC

“I like working with them [Bryan and team] . They look to help rather than exploit. We have learned from them and I think their experience will be valuable to other app publishers and networks as well.”
-Mark Cuban Owner of Dallas Mavericks & Star of Sharktank on ABC

“I was lucky enough last week to have Bryan be a keynote speaker for the cybersecurity academy I’m currently attending. I embarrassingly had no prior knowledge of Bryan’s story beforehand but knew if he was invited, it was going to be worth listening to. Bryan was extremely knowledgable, engaging, and most of all funny! It honestly felt like he was in the room talking to us not at us. I was hooked from beginning to end and was truly inspired by his story.”
-Miguel Guerrero | Cybersecurity Student at Fullstack Academy

“We had the pleasure to host Bryan as a headliner at the 40th edition of GITEX. Bryan is a character that, when you hear him described, is straight out of a movie. A former marine who is the only hacker to wiretap the US Secret Service and the FBI. As a speaker, Bryan lives up to and exceeds sky-high expectations from the audience. His presentations and positive energy all around made our event a success to never be forgotten, not least his breakfast with John Cleese, but that’s another story.”
-Oscar Wendel | Senior Manager Conferences & Content @ GITEX

“Bryan was a pleasure to work with for our Cybersecurity Webinar event. He was also a marketer’s dream, with only a few words you can get people’s attention: Ethical Hacker, Former Marine, First Person to Wire-Tap the FBI and US Secret Service. Bryan exceeded our expectations on the presentation with extremely engaging stories and even some elements of humor. Behind the scenes he was very accommodating and was willing to go the extra mile to make this event work. We would welcome the opportunity to work with him again.”
-Matt Solomon Vice President of Business Development, IT Complete, Kaseya

“Thank-you for coming and being a part of making this week so awesome for my kids! Appreciate so much the influence of good people, especially for my oldest!”
-Sarah B  Las Vegas Science & Technology Festival

“Thank you for your interesting talk at CLOUDSEC2018”
-Tanya Avocado Consulting

“Your session was one of the top rated sessions out of the keynotes so well done!”
-Trend Micro Australia

“Bryan gave the keynote address at our 2-day Unlocked 2017 conference. He told his unique story and had the audience captivated. He was very easy to work with, flexible and easy going. I highly recommend Bryan for speaking engagements.”
-Jen Carroll Thycotic Unlocked 2017

“In October 2018 I had the privilege of moderating an information security panel in Seattle, WA on the topic of Managing Risks Related to IoT devices, for which the panel was comprised of industry leaders.  Bryan Seely was one of the distinguished panelists, and his contribution to the topic was very well received.  Bryan is a strong speaker with a dynamic background that leads to exciting conversations and insight.  I would support and highly recommend Bryan for other Information Security speaking engagements.”
-Kevin Morrison – Pulte Group

“I really enjoyed your presentation, I got many, many great compliments about it and I’m very happy about the response from the audience.”
-American Water Works Association – Florida Section

“It is my great pleasure to extend my impressions of Bryan’s professional and personal qualifications. Bryan has consistently proven himself to be an exceptional leader and a visionary. Bryan builds relationships of trust on a foundation of professional reputation, character, and authenticity.

Bryan brings a forward-leaning innovative perspective; builds diverse high talent teams and is a valuable asset for any government, private sector or philanthropy organization.

In summary, Bryan’s character and mettle are beyond reproach, his work ethic admirable; his professional demeanor and appearance are all borne of confidence reinforced by continuous praise by his peers and supervisors.”
-Sam Chugtai – Adj Professor Seattle U School of Law


Media Coverage:

Ted Talk – Wiretapping The Secret Service Can be Easy & Fun

Mentioned on Cover of Seattle Business Magazine / Long article

CNBC – Appearance 

CNBC Sept 2017 – SEC Doesn’t even know how bad this hack is