Table of Contents
Speaker: Eddie Osterland
Topic Title:
- Master Sommelier
Professional Fees subject to change without notice
- $$$ = between $15,000-$25,000
- Expenses: As incurred
- Travels from: La Jolla, California
- Expenses for Travel, (air and ground) Accommodations, Meals, Traveling Companion, and Incidentals are not included in the above fees.
- Discounted Fees: Under rare and special circumstances speakers may discount their fees at their discretion. i.e., booking multiple events with the same client. Non profit organizations may also qualify for a discount.
Mastering the Fine Art of Professional Entertaining, America’s First Master Sommelier
Traveling From:
Fee Range: $19,500
Eddie Osterland, America’s first Master Sommelier, is an internationally acclaimed expert in the culinary arena of food and wine. For more than 25 years, he has performed his workshops and given educational and highly entertaining “during dinner” presentations on Power Entertaining with Food and Wine. Clients use Eddie’s lifestyle coaching to strengthen customer relationships, design annual client-appreciation events and execute corporate events that go way beyond expectations. They realize how today, more than ever, you cannot afford to be naïve about food and wines — the international currency for connection.
Audiences everywhere know him as witty, approachable and non-intimidating. He gives them the knowledge and skill they need to enjoy wine, and gives them confidence to entertain.
Eddie’s educational background evolved from a degree in behavioral psychology to graduating from L’Institut d’oenologie at Université de Bordeaux with the D.U.A.D. degree (diplôme d’aptitude a la deégustation des vins). He went on to become the first American to pass the grueling Master Sommelier Diploma in London in 1973. Upon returning to the United States, Eddie worked as Director of Trade Education at the International Wine Center in New York City. He was the wine editor for Restaurant Business magazine for a decade.
Over the course of his career, Eddie has worked with organizations and coached leaders from a wide range of prestigious companies, including Citibank, General Mills, Proctor & Gamble and IBM. In 2008 he participated in several major corporate entertaining events at the Beijing Olympics.
Facts About Eddie, Master Sommelier
- Currently there are over a 120 master Sommeliers in the United States. Eddie Osterland was the first of them … a pioneer!
- French trained-graduated (in 1975) from the University of Bordeaux, France with a degree in Professional Tasting (D.U.A.D-Diplôme Universitaire D’Aptitude A la Dégustation Des Vins)
- Master Sommelier, Guild of Sommeliers, London England Execlusive
- Master Sommelier, JetSet Magazine
- Former head Sommelier Hôtel de la Poste, Beaune France
- Past Director of Trade Education for the International Wine Center in New York Where he traveled for 5 years to 25 cities each year presenting his unique multi-media style events on behalf of companies like American Express, National Restaurant Association, Heublein Inc, Foods & Wines From France and the Italian Trade Center
- Author of Power Entertaining – Mastering the Fine Art of Professional Entertaining
- Author of the unprecedented Wine & the Bottom Line written for the National Restaurant Association
- Former Wine Editor for Restaurant Business Magazine for more than a decade
- Chosen by Esquire Magazine to do their “Wine Advisor Video”. As seen on numerous cruise ships around the world, let’s meet “Your Personal Wine Coach” – Eddie Osterland!
- Creator of “Discovering the Pleasures of Wine” audio series
- Member National Speakers Association (NSA)
- Degree in Psychology
- Instrument-Rated pilot
Mastering the Fine Art of Professional Entertaining
What do you do when you’re at a fancy downtown restaurant for dinner with a million-dollar business deal on the table, and the waiter hands you the wine list? What matters right now, at this moment, is your wine IQ, and your ability to entertain this client in a way they will never forget.
Power Entertaining ‘Power Entertaining’ is using great wine, food and hospitality as the currency for creating unforgettable events, fostering strong business relationships, and instilling in people the desire to do business with you and your company or organization.
Through Edddie Osterland’s tried and true methods, you can learn how to craft lasting business relationships based on the time honored principles of courtesy, generosity and old world hospitality.
In Eddie’s book Power Entertaining, Master Sommelier and America’s foremost wine and food coach outlines dozens of power entertaining tips that can make anyone a more effective host or hostess. From corporate business events to private dinners with clients in restaurants, Eddie can guide you every step of the way.
Download Chapter One of Eddie’s Book! Eddie Osterland – Keynote Speaker Discover how to entertain business clients and associates with knowledge and confidence, using good wine and food as the ingredients to build strong and lasting business relationships, bocoming somebody whom others will be attracted to and want to do business with time and time again.
Power Entertaining: Secrets to Building Lasting Relationships, Hosting Unforgettable Events, and Closing Big Deals from America’s 1st Master Sommelier:
Teaches you how to transform boring business meetings and sales functions into memorable social events that people will want to attend again and again. Helps you build long-term business relationships based on the time-honored principles of courtesy, generosity and old world hospitality Success is always in the details, so master the finer points of entertaining before your next big business event.
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