Eric Kaufmann, Leadership


Speaker:            Eric Kaufmann       

Topic Title:              

  1. Eric Kaufmann, Leadership as a Hero’s Journey

    Professional Fees subject to change without notice

  • $ = under $10,000
  • Expenses:    As incurred                
  • Travels from:    California – USA     
  • Expenses for Travel, (air and ground) Accommodations, Meals, Traveling Companion, and Incidentals are not included in the above fees.
  • Discounted Fees:  Under rare and special circumstances speakers may discount their fees at their discretion. i.e., booking multiple events with the same client.  Non profit organizations may also qualify for a discount.

Biography – Eric Kaufmann, Leadership

For the past 20 years, since leaving Corporate, Eric Kaufmann has been the President of Sagatica, an executive development consultancy. Eric and his crew partner with leaders and teams at companies such as Verizon, Facebook, SunPower, Dr. Bronner’s, Alcon, and Cymer. His work is an unrelenting commitment to results with an unyielding regard for the human spirit.

Eric’s earliest professional insight into coaching and leadership wasn’t at his sales role at 3M, nor his Marketing leadership role at Corning. His first deep exposure to coaching and leading was when he was a Scuba Diving Instructor as a college student. That’s when he first learned the techniques and values of organizing and influencing people to learn new skills, work together, and have fun while venturing into the unknown.

Eric’s book, The Four Virtues of a Leader: Navigating the Hero’s Journey through Risk to Results, teaches the essential virtues shared by successful, passionate, and creative leaders and how they navigate through uncertainty and anxiety. As an Executive Coach and Facilitator, Keynote Speaker, and Author, he partners with leaders to go below the surface and beyond the obvious so they can think more clearly, make better decisions, and relate wholeheartedly.

Eric is a Fellow and Thought Leader at Harvard’s Institute of Coaching, and a speaker for TEDx. In addition to nearly two decades of coaching leaders, he draws on management roles at Fortune 100 firms, degrees in business and psychology, thirty years of Zen practice, living in Israel and South Africa, teaching as a Master Scuba Diving instructor, working as a certified hypnotherapist, and meditating in a year-long retreat in an isolated cabin he built in the mountains of New Mexico.

Eric lives with his wife, two daughters and dog and cat in San Diego, CA

Topics – Eric Kaufmann, Leadership

Eric Kaufmann, Leadership LEADERSHIP AS A HERO’S JOURNEY
Eric Kaufmann, Leadership


This keynote guides leaders how to explore the unknown, accelerate results, get people excited, and be an authentic leader on the journey. If you look into your heart, you know that leading is about leaving the comfort zone, taking on challenge and risk, capturing people’s hearts, and accelerating results. You also know that in addition to being smart and educated you need courage in the face of risk, focused intention, and grit to stay the course. But you probably don’t know exactly how to switch on these natural virtues into a leadership character.

This is what Eric Kaufmann brings to life – a clear and accessible map to switch on your heroic virtues for your journey of leading. This keynote empowers leaders to make a difference in their work and with their people. It reveals just how to befriend the unknown, get people excited, and be an authentic human being that flourishes amidst challenge.

Eric brings his unique outlook and shares applied wisdom, humor, global perspective, and practical tools for developing the heart and mind of a leader on a hero’s journey.

  • Apply a four-step process to manage anxiety
  • Ignite keys to perseverance and resilience
  • Attract talented team members that make things happen
  • Unlock the power of vision and purpose


Leadership is so critical these days, and leaders are getting a bad rap from employees: 82% of employees believe that their leaders are ineffective, 67% are disengaged from their leaders, and 35% are willing to give up a pay raise just to see their boss get fired! In a world where leadership is a game-changer we need to be the kind of leaders that deeply engage because they are bold, curious, and kind – they are conscious leaders.

This keynote gets to the heart of satisfying your employee’s deep desire for meaningful work, meaningful impact, and meaningful relationships; for enabling them to increase profits AND improve their community. Leaders that matter know how to meet these expectations and ensure that the enhanced trust and productivity yields customer satisfaction.

This keynote is an applied strategy for leaders to become resilient, influential, and thoughtful. Eric shares proven and practical steps for leaders to reflect and decide how to engage and empower their people with wisdom, Love, and Courage.

The Blueprint for Conscious Leadership teaches leaders how to:

  • Limit the role that your ego plays in leading
  • Guide teams to focus on profit, people, and the planet
  • Generate breakthrough team results
  • Empower people with a “distributed consciousness” mindset
  • Learn how to apply kindness AND accountability


This keynote defines a path to being inspired, inspiring, and courageous in projects, with coworkers, and with customers. Courage is the first leadership virtue because it is the secret sauce for bold decisions, innovative breakthroughs, challenging status quo, facing rejection, and making deep connections.

Your fundamental job as a leader is to organize and influence people to move away from the comfort zone and toward a new vision and to new achievements; this always ignites both excitement and anxiety because achievement and safety simply don’t go hand in hand.

In this keynote, Eric teaches why, how, and when to turn on your leadership courage; specifically, he shows you how to cultivate the courage to Care, the courage to Speak Up, and the courage to Commit.

This keynote guides leaders at any level to be more courageous and effective on projects, with coworkers, and with customers. Specifically, in this program audiences will be able to:

  • Identify exactly where they need to apply a new level of courage
  • Turn on courage to commit, courage to speak up, and courage to care
  • Step toward their full potential more quickly and consistently
  • Develop tools for being courageous in the moment and over a lifetime


Never confuse a team of leaders with a leadership team! A team of leaders doesn’t have one vision, chases work in multiple directions, and fights one another rather than the competition. A leadership team, on the other hand, is focused on the unified vision, works collaboratively, and transcends silos.

This keynote is for leaders that want their leadership teams to realize it’s full potential. Eric Kaufmann has dissected thousands of hours of teamwork and teaches how leadership teams can stop burning precious time, energy, and goodwill.

Eric reveals the three poisons of leadership team effectiveness: 1) drag – misinformed disagreement, 2) drift – lack of vision, and 3) friction – internal conflict. He then offers clear and focused instructions for becoming a leadership team that accelerate results by creating flow, alignment, and cohesion.

This keynote is a deep dive into:

  • Understanding why every team throws tantrums
  • Applying a process for uncovering team dysfunctions
  • Accelerating the ability to significantly increase trust in the team
  • Creating a leadership presence that inspires team alignment

Testimonials – Eric Kaufmann, Leadership

I had the great fortune to hire Eric Kaufmann to provide a keynote presentation to the Geoprofessional Business Association’s conference. His keynote was entertaining, informative, and inspiring and Eric left everyone thirsting for more of his wisdom. Eric unleashes his sage observations and energized us to renew our passion to positively impact the world.
Joel Carson, Senior Vice President, Kleinfelder

I rarely leave Eric’s company without a moment of new insight or perspective to consider. Eric is a keen yet kind observer of humans and able to crystallize these data into meaningful and applicable ideas that speak to our best selves. Don’t hesitate to take (or create) an opportunity to hear him speak!
Marilyn O’Neill, CEO of Nautilus Environmental

It is rare to find a leadership speaker that combines the nuts and bolts of management and productivity with passion and caring for the people that we lead. Eric’s work zeroes in on who the leader is as a person and how the individual can transform themselves – the only person that we have any control over anyway – no matter what our role is.
Edith Logue, Senior Manager, Sales Curriculum for Partners at VMware

I found Eric to be very thought provoking. The way that he starts from the highest-level, and works down toward taking the steps needed to make your business all that it could be, and all that you really want it to be is fully engaging. Being introspective, honest with yourself, and facing your fears is what we all need to do to be happier and more satisfied with our business and personal life.
Kevin Gyberg, President at B2 Software Inc.

Seize the opportunity to hear Eric Kaufmann speak! His ability to impart wisdom, connect with, engage and entertain his audience will exceed your highest expectations. Eric thoroughly demonstrates to participants the power of tapping into the collective genius. Eric’s ability to show his audience how to integrate what he has communicated sets him apart.
Laura McGee, Divorce Coach at Leave Strong Divorce Coaching

Eric’s presentation was filled with actionable content and thought provoking concepts. His presentation style was refreshing: relaxed and passionate while still delivering high level content in a manner that resonated.
Teri Awwad, President at OneSource

I appreciate Eric’s concise, powerful, engaging and insightful presentation. I am better equipped and excited for the journey
Jim Kelly, CEO Discovery Bank

Engaging, compelling, motivating, inspiring. Every leader should hear Eric.
Terry Hunefeld, CEO By Referrals Only

Eric’s style was conversational yet engaging…I never drifted even once! I now have a keener awareness that being a leader is more than a title…you will have to sacrifice, have the courage to push on, face your fears, and self-correct. I’m inspired, motivated, and much better equipped for the journey having spent time with Eric.
MK Kellogg, Director or Executive Business Development at Power Analytics

Eric Kaufmann is one of the most effective presenters I have experienced in addressing the subject of leadership. He addressed the roles of both the “mind” and the “heart” when serving as a leader, and taught me how I can use both in situations of either collaboration or conflict
Linda Veliz, Director Staff Development, UCSD

Eric is on my short list of exceptional speakers about leadership. His energy and fun-loving approach help to bring about personal change with real-world application. As one who has participated in leadership and executive programs at the graduate level and experienced a variety of learning methods, I appreciate Eric’s ability to blend sound theory, unique perspective, and insightful lessons.
Scott Langstaff, Sr. Project Manager, Kiser Permanente Health System

WOW. You won’t want to miss Eric’s work. Eric’s engaging style as well as the usefulness of his material, makes this a program you’ll be glad you attended. The learning and energy I got from experiencing this program 3 weeks ago, continues to inspire and inform me around various “journeys” I’m on.
Doug Walker, MS, Managing Partner, Drake Beam Morrin

I loved Eric’s sense of humor Eric. He has definitely made a difference to me personally and when I ask around, I hear only positive things. Eric’s ease with his material was apparent, and we got a triple whammy – fun, wisdom, and tools.
Deborah Seidle, Vice Chancellor, UCSD

Those of us who heard Eric speak found ourselves circled around him, even after he was done, trying to absorb more of what he had to teach on conscious leadership.
Juliana Caso, General Manager, Apex Services
