Table of Contents
- Synopsis
- Biography
- Topics – Frank King, The Mental Health Comedian, Digital Dependency Disorder
- Testimonials – Frank King, The Mental Health Comedian, Digital Dependency Disorder
- Media – Frank King, The Mental Health Comedian, Digital Dependency Disorder
- Video 1 – Frank King, The Mental Health Comedian, Digital Dependency Disorder
- Video 2 – Frank King, The Mental Health Comedian, Digital Dependency Disorder
Speaker: Frank King
Topic Title:
- Frank King, Suicide Prevention Speaker, Writer, Stigma Fighter, The Mental Health Comedian, Digital Dependency Disorder
Professional Fees subject to change without notice
- $ = under $10,000
- Expenses: As incurred
- Travels from: USA – Oregon
- Expenses for Travel, (air and ground) Accommodations, Meals, Traveling Companion, and Incidentals are not included in the above fees.
- Discounted Fees: Under rare and special circumstances speakers may discount their fees at their discretion. i.e., booking multiple events with the same client. Non profit organizations may also qualify for a discount.
Nationally known Suicide Prevention and Postvention Speaker and Trainer.
Certified QPR Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper
Frank King, Suicide Prevention and Postvention Public Speaker and Trainer, was a writer for The Tonight Show for 20 years, is a Corporate Comedian, syndicated humor columnist, and podcast personality, who was featured on CNN’s Business Unusual.
Depression and suicide run his family. He’s thought about killing himself more times than he can count. He’s fought a lifetime battle with depression, and thoughts of ending his life, turning that long dark journey of the soul into a TED Talk, “A Matter of Laugh or Death,” and sharing his lifesaving insights on Mental and Emotional Health Awareness, with corporation, association, youth (middle school and high school), and college audiences
As an Inspirational and Motivational Public Speaker and Trainer he uses the life lessons from the above, as well as lessons learned as a rather active consumer of healthcare, both mental and physical, to start the conversation giving people who battle Mental and Emotional Illness permission to give voice to their feelings and experiences surrounding depression and suicide, and to create a common pool of knowledge in which those who suffer, and those who care about them, can swim.
And doing it by coming out, as it were, and standing in his truth, and doing it with humor. He believes that where there is humor there is hope, where there is laughter there is life, nobody dies laughing.
He is currently working on a book on men’s mental fitness, Guts, Grit, and the Grind, with two coauthors.
He lives in Eugene, OR and speaks around the US, and all over the world.
Subject Headings:
• Safety in the Workplace
• Health and Well Being
• Stress Management
Topics – Frank King, The Mental Health Comedian, Digital Dependency Disorder
Suicide Prevention in the Workplace as a Health and Safety Issue
Frank King helps workplaces appreciate the critical need for suicide prevention, creating a forum for dialogue and critical thinking about workplace mental health challenges. It builds a business case for suicide prevention while promoting help-seeking and help-giving. Interactive exercises and case studies help employers and their staff apply and customize the content to their specific work culture.
Program content is divided into four chapters:
- Suicide Prevention in the Workplace
- What to Do When Someone is Suicidal
- Conversations About Suicide
- Suicide Postvention
Value to Members:
Developed by the Carson J Spencer Foundation, the Working Minds: Suicide Prevention in the Workplace program toolkit features a facilitator’s guide, trainee workbooks, and supplemental materials designed to help workplace administrators and employees better understand and prevent suicide. The program helps workplaces appreciate the critical need for suicide prevention while creating a forum for dialogue and critical thinking about workplace mental health challenges.
The program builds a business case for suicide prevention while promoting help-seeking and help-giving. Several interactive exercises and case studies help employers and their staff apply and customize the content to their specific work culture.
Working Minds was developed to address a gap in suicide prevention programming for those of working age. The toolkit was built on best practices and the insights of mental health service providers, human resource professionals, and top suicide prevention experts from across the country.
ROI: Increase profit while transforming culture and improving wellbeing
Mental illness and substance abuse costs employers an estimated $225.8 billion each year, according to a recent study, that featured a random sample of over 28,000 workers in the US. The largest indirect cost of mental illness comes in the form of decreased performance due to absenteeism, or regularly missing work, and presenteeism, or working while sick.
While most employers notice absenteeism, they often overlook presenteeism. A study measuring health-related productivity estimated that individuals working with untreated illnesses cost employers $1,601 per person each year.
CEOs underestimate the hidden costs of employee wellbeing. Overestimating the importance of physical health and underestimating the cost and prevalence of mental illness leads to wasteful spending and decreased life satisfaction of employees.
A Matter of Laugh or Death
As a humorous keynote speaker, Frank brings his corporate brand of comedy to educate, inspire, and finally, entertain…again, ah-has, with a sprinkling of ha-ha’s, in a one of a kind presentation on matters of life and death.
He blends his experience as a clean, clever stand-up comedian, an award-winning syndicated humor columnist, and as a warrior in his own lifelong battle with depression and thoughts of suicide, for content-packed and eminently listenable keynote presentations and workshops.
What to expect:
• Programs customized to your theme, and the goals of your event,
• Keynotes focused on the issues that are important to your attendees.
• Your call as to the precise mix of comedy and content for your gathering.
Social Media is a normal part of our society and functioning today.
“The Isolation of Generations”
While Social Media has been around for years, it was the introduction of cell phones and smartphones in the mid 90s that social media began to take its strong hold. By early 2003, MySpace became the largest social media site in the world. In 2004 Facebook was introduced and by 2008, became the top visited site. In 2012 Facebook went public and it currently generates $40 billion per year in revenue. There is no argument that there are many assets to these devices such as planning travel, getting directions, looking for a price on new skies, but along with social media comes the “isolation of generations”, the development of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts and a destructive impact on the development of self.
What happened in 2012, is the proportion of Americans who owned a smartphone surpassed 50%. This is when it became evident that this generation is one shaped by the smartphone and the subsequent rise of social media. Twenge (an author and professor of psychology) refers to these teens as “IGen”, those born between 1995 and 2012. These kids are growing up with smartphones and having Instagram accounts before they start High School, and have no memory of life without the Internet. These kids are reporting the highest levels of depression in history with a 70% increase in suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
In the past, adolescence was marked by the desire for independence, freedom, and the development of unique individuality. Today, teens are less likely to leave their house without their parents much less their cell phones. Even getting a job, generating their own income and driving, an indicator of freedom, has lost its appeal.
Moreover, research is showing that excessive Social Media use is rewiring the neurochemical and neurobiological functioning of the brain, forming a foundation to not only the development of social media addiction, but to addiction in general.
Smart Phone, Social Media and Suicide
Problems with excessive Social Media Use
The concept and development of Self and risks of social media use
Research demonstrating the negative effects of social media addiction on the developing brain
Addiction is not the sole product of the individual’s behavior
When is Social Media an addiction?
Symptoms of Addiction include
Suggestions and specific personal operating recommendations for the development and maintenance of Self with the use of social media.
For parents
For self
Learning Objectives
• Recognize the prevalence of death by suicide and the importance of prevention practices within the workplace
• Learn the epidemiology, etiology and risk factors of suicidal behavior
• Discover strategies for screening, assessing, and reducing the risk of suicide
• Understand special concerns, risk factors and interventions related to military veterans
• Identify self-injurious behaviors and what objects, substances, and actions are common in suicide attempts
• Highlight the management and treatment modalities for patients at risk for suicide, including best practices for connecting the patient to referral
• Gain the knowledge and skills to conduct suicide Postvention
• Comprehend the relationship between workplace stress and suicide and learn valuable techniques to stress-less at work
Suggested Formats: Full or Partial Day; Lecture, Workshop, Keynote
Testimonials – Frank King, The Mental Health Comedian, Digital Dependency Disorder
Just wanted to take a minute to thank you again for your time and attention this morning after your presentation. And giving me some kind words and reassurance that there is still a bright future out there.
I’m sure your time is limited and I know there’s nothing better than getting back home after being on the road. And you still took the time to have a meaningful conversation with a complete stranger.
You have gained a huge fan in me. I hope that someday we will cross paths somehow, but regardless if we do or not I will never forget the impact of your mission to help others. And the power of hope and help that it spread trough out the room and in my heart. Or the way you sprung to action during Dons incident. Truly amazing and a window into as to your character. (Like a Suicide Prevention Superhero)
I know I will always remember your story of your path and mission to help others while healing your struggles as a reminder that I too have a purpose to find and fulfill in this world.
I’m not much into social media, (as I find it a distraction to productivity and a source of sorrow sometimes) but I will follow your content through your website and YouTube.
One of my goals is to attend some TED talks in the future. As I find people’s ability to share amazing. For a person to be able to share struggles, knowledge or stories in order to help others is truly a sign of what I feel is true humanity and good will towards others.
Today was a bright spot for me lately and your part in that memory is etched forever in my mind.
Thanks again and I hope for you to always be 10 steps ahead of your “Dark Passenger”
Plote Construction Inc.
Allied Asphalt Paving Co.
Frank was GREAT, people LOVED him! He had dinner with us, people approached him after the show – very clean and FUNNY – people told her they really appreciated him and being clean. He tailored some humor to the Awards, very funny and interacted with the group so well. Everybody had a GREAT time!
Carla Alarcon, Open Systems Awards Banquet
Mr. King,
It was really a great pleasure to have you speak at our Cardiovascular Symposium. We can all get a bit serious and tunnel-visioned in terms of our professions and you gave us a very nice perspective from the view of the patient.
Your performance really lightened the atmosphere of the conference; there were several cardiologist at my table that were bent over double laughing! I still smile every time I hear the words “groin area.” It was especially nice to hear that you made so many personal connections during your hospitalization and had such a caring experience.
No doubt that mostly was in response to your warm personality but it is always nice to hear that our endeavours are appreciated. Thank you so much for being part of our day and I hope our paths cross again in the future.
Take care,
Sudeshna Banerjee, MD
Cardiology/Interventional Cardiology
Springfield, OR
Hi Frank;
You did a super job! Thank you for spending the day with us and lightening up the room!
The nurses got a very good laugh and you even had the docs laughing too….no easy task! I will send a note to Dr Banerjee and see what we can get from her. Hang tight.
Kate Kloos
Director Marketing & Communications
PeaceHealth Oregon West Network
Dear Frank,
I want to add my own thanks for your terrific presentation at our 14th Annual HealthCare Service Excellence Conference. I also wanted to tell you how much I appreciated you MCing our Night of Excellence Awards – it truly added to the festivities of the evening.
Your session was well received by all our delegates, and I’ve attached a letter outlining just a few of their comments.
Thanks again, it was great to have you with us.
Pat Goodberry-Dyck
Custom Learning Systems Group Ltd.
Conference Chair
HealthCare Service Excellence Conference
Media – Frank King, The Mental Health Comedian, Digital Dependency Disorder
Clicking on the media links will take you directly to the webpage of the news provider. Hit you back button to return to our site.
Montana State University Billings
Video 1 – Frank King, The Mental Health Comedian, Digital Dependency Disorder
Video 2 – Frank King, The Mental Health Comedian, Digital Dependency Disorder