Speaker: Hank Moore, Business, Futurism, Executive Think Tanks
Topic Title:
- Hank Moore, Business, Futurism, Executive Think Tanks
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- Expenses: As incurred
- Travels from: Houston, TX
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- Discounted Fees: Under rare and special circumstances speakers may discount their fees at their discretion. i.e., booking multiple events with the same client. Non profit organizations may also qualify for a discount.
Business, Futurism, Executive Think Tanks, Strategic Planning, Corporate Visioning,
Executive development, Senior business advisor.
Hank Moore is one of the legends of business. He talks warmly about some of the other icons, drawing parallels to the audience’s desire to make their companies into legends.
Mr. Moore knew and worked with most of the power leaders, including Peter Drucker, Roy Disney, W. Edwards Deming, Lee Iacocca, Tom Peters, J. Willard Marriott, Steven Covey, George Mitchell, Tony Robbins, Dick Clark and others. He talks about the impact of such business legends as Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, John D. Rockefeller, Bill Gates. This keynote is more than a stroll down memory lane. It explains the legends and legacies of companies and visionaries who made a difference. It offers inspiration to businesses on the grow, with solid paths to success.
This talk parallels Hank Moore’s book, “Pop Icons and Business Legends,” nominated for the Pulitzer Prize.
Hank Moore is that rare 1 out of 100,000 senior business advisors, a Big Picture strategist, with original, cutting-edge ideas for creating, implementing and sustaining corporate growth throughout every sector of the organization. His Business Tree™ is a trademarked approach to growing, strengthening and evolving business, while mastering change.
As the nation’s only Corporate Strategist™, he works with boards of directors, CEOs and executive teams of corporations…guiding them toward a profitable Vision and increased shareholder value. He facilitates decision-maker “think tanks” based purely upon his own ideas and creative concepts. A former White House advisor, with a 30-year track record of consulting organizations, Hank Moore’s presentations directly impact companies’ future progress, ways of relearning old knowledge and applying Big Picture vision.
As a strategist for 30 years, Hank Moore brings a Real-world Knowledge Bank, plus a track record of advising and implementing proactive improvements in hundreds of client companies: • Corporate think tank facilitator (60+)…one of few in the world who presents. • Keynote and featured conference speaker (60+). • Workshop presentor (85+). • Visioning and Strategic Planning facilitator (retreats and full visioning processes) (50+). • Board of directors advising, facilitation (50+). • Other speeches (250+). Author: He has published more than 200 articles and monographs in business publications, journals and consumer magazines. His book series, The Lost Lessons, examines business concepts, values and mass culture influences that affect every person’s professional life. Titles of each volume include The Business Tree™, The High Cost of Doing Nothing™, It’s Almost Tomorrow, Secrets of the CEOs and Confluence.
Corporate Strategist™ Practice: President, Management Resource Institute, providing Big Picture concepting-planning, Visioning, independent company assessments and performance reviews. Advisor at the board, CEO, executive committee levels. Mr. Moore has provided senior level advising services for more than 1,500 client organizations of all sizes (including 80 of the Fortune 500), companies in transition (startup, re-engineering, mergers, going public), public sector entities, professional associations, non-profit organizations and others. Total career experience: 40 years.
Background: Mr. Moore was a White House advisor to President Lyndon B. Johnson, in the areas of civil rights, environmental issues and trade with Mexico. He served on the committee which drafted the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and wrote speeches for the President. More than 200 awards for client work and community stewardship. Received Presidential Citations from Johnson, Carter, Reagan and Bush.
Media Appearances: Regular media exposure since 1958. Appeared on all major TV and radio networks, 70+ business publication interviews, 70+ broadcast news interviews, 100+ talk shows. Early in career, was TV and radio commentator-talk show host. Produced 80+ videos.
1. Executive Think Tank: The Big Picture of Business. • The Business Tree™ symbolizes the organization as a whole. Each major branch represents a component of the company. Limbs and twigs on each branch constitute departments and individuals who keep the organization running. • The Busy Work Tree™ details the myriad of ways in which a person is expected to divide his-her time. When people complain that other responsibilities keep them from doing what profession-career for which they were educated, this tree explains why. • The Learning Tree™ represents the phases of an individual’s life…embodying the makeup, education and culturization that one brings to his-her job. • The Executive Tree™ embodies the abilities, mentoring, skills, sophistications and activities that one must cultivate if he-she wishes to “go the distance” and remain truly successful in business. • The Management Tree™ represents the working style, practices, ethics, values and resourcefulness with which one person manages other people, as well as processes, policies and procedures. • The Organization Tree™ parallels the various stages in professional, personal and career development. Each plateau shows how far the individual should have come and what his-her abilities, levels of accomplishment and values to the overall organization likely are. • Healthy Trees from Little Acorns Grow™ encompasses the elements which will grow the company and assure success. These include grooming emerging executives, the new international workplace, multicultural diversity, team building, executive development, turning every member of the company into a profit center, corporate imaging and fostering the vision. • Trees in the Forest™ realizes that businesses cannot exist in a vacuum. They must interact with the outside world, predict the trends and master front-burner issues affecting the climate and opportunities in which they function. This includes stimulating “outside-the-box” thinking, building customer coalitions and distinguishing your company from the pack.
2. Futurism…It’s Almost Tomorrow™ Organizational Transformation…paving the way for Futurism. Takes Futurism and change management out of the esoteric and into creative, effective and profitable daily business practice. It includes capturing-building a shared Vision for the company, along with putting quality, empowerment, crisis management and other concepts into practice. • Futurism…Capitalizing Upon Change, including all criteria, factors and thought processes. How We Emerged…What We Have Become. • The Blossoming Tree™ . A plan for making and taking your company’s own future. Healthy Business Values and Practices…Developing Reasons to Believe and Reasonable Beliefs. • Yesterdayism…Benefiting from the Past…fundamental component of Futurism. Reconciling the Past and Widening Perceptions. • Business Trees of the Future. How to Survive Tomorrow and the Next Days.
3. Pop Culture Wisdom. Stroll down memory lane, reviewing music, movies and TV shows of your youth from the perspective of life and work influences.
Business leaders are more products of pop culture than formal training. Subsequent efforts to change or modify are often met with resistance. Presenting organizational strategies as an extension of previously-held values gets more support.
Most leaders of today’s corporations grew up in the 1950s and 60s. As a senior advisor, Hank Moore has sat in countless strategy meetings where leaders cannot articulate business philosophies, but they can accurately recite lyrics from “golden oldie” song hits or TV trivia. Being one of the rare senior business advisors who is equally versed in pop culture, he found that bridging known avenues with current realities resulted in fully articulated corporate visions. Many a Strategic Plan was written by piecing together song fragments, nostalgic remembrances and movie scenarios…then were aptly converted into contemporary corporate nomenclature.
This is likely the first to combine the two phenomena and look at business executives’ development through their own nostalgic eyes in pop culture.
4. Strategic Planning-Visioning Processes. Step-by-step process of planning a company’s next 20 years (categories 6-7 on The Business Tree™ ). The Strategic Planning process is only 20% of it. Further, this helps organizations determine what they will be, how they will evolve and the character with which they will succeed.
5. The High Cost of Doing Nothing™ examines why good companies go bad. One-third of the Gross National Product is spent to deal with problems. It costs six times more to clean up, react to and recover from mistakes than to do things right on the front end. Human beings are not perfect and don’t do everything according to advance planning, though we can develop expeditious ways to remediate damages before the highest costs stack up. • The Doing Nothing Tree™ examines the top 100 mistakes that companies make. Euphemisms analyzes the top 100 excuses they make for the mistakes and the processes of rationalizing and covering up company problems. • 100 Biggest Excuses They Use. Euphemisms Most Often Heard. Rationales and Reasons Why Businesses Fail. • The High Cost of Doing the Wrong Things. Cases where numerous flaws and efforts of the system compounded or out-cost the errors. • The Fatal Flaws of Corporate Thinking. Corporate Arrogance, Barriers to Progress. Doing Things that Count.
6. Corporate Communications. Reviews the strategy for developing and the components of internal and external communications programs (branch 5 on The Business Tree™ ). This includes marketing, investor relations materials, public relations, research, advertising, newsletters, web site presence, letters, shareholder communications and government relations.
7. Leadership Executive Growth Strategies Program.
8. Corporate Philanthropy, Community Relations and Charity Involvement. Championing the right causes and benefiting your business. Ways to get employees and executives involved at high-profile levels. Understanding the concepts of cause-related marketing.
9. Crisis Management and Preparedness. Predicting the six worst crises that can beset an organization will avert crisis 85% of the time. Case studies of successful crisis management and pointers for crisis preparedness.
10. Secrets of the CEOs reviews and contextualizes case studies of failure and success. The Management Tree™ represents the working style, practices, ethics, values and resourcefulness with which one person manages other people, as well as processes, policies and procedures. The Organization Tree™ parallels the various stages in professional, personal and career development. Each plateau shows how far the individual should have come and what his-her abilities, levels of accomplishment and values to the overall organization likely are.
11. Re-Engineering, Change Management. Strategies for company reorganizations, the sum and the parts. Creating Action Plans. Case studies and methodologies for benefiting from change, rather than falling victim to it.
12. Diversity…Confluence™ workshop on diversity, benefiting from change and organizational ethics.
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