Kelli Jaecks, Health Care, Burnout, MARTINIS & MENOPAUSE, RESILIENCE


Speaker:            Kelli Swanson Jaecks,        

Topic Title:              

  1. Health Care Conferences, Burnout,  MARTINIS & MENOPAUSE, life and work balance, Resilience

    Professional Fees subject to change without notice

  • $ = under $10,000
  • Expenses:    As incurred                
  • Travels from:      USA – Oregon  
  • Expenses for Travel, (air and ground) Accommodations, Meals, Traveling Companion, and Incidentals are not included in the above fees.
  • Discounted Fees:  Under rare and special circumstances speakers may discount their fees at their discretion. i.e., booking multiple events with the same client.  Non profit organizations may also qualify for a discount.


.Kelli Jaecks, MA, RDH is a self-care strategist, a nationally published author, professional speaker, and a survivor of breast cancer and menopause. Kelli works with organizations who want achievable strategies to slay burn-out and optimize their team’s total health. She also coaches others to put their own Self Care first, so they can fully live their lives, and better serve the world.

Kelli is the author of the best seller: Martinis & Menopause — Strategies, Science and Sips that Empower Women to Beat the Hormone Groan and hosts a popular blog on women’s health and wellness.

She is a past president of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association, and the NSA (National Speakers Association), Oregon Chapter.

Kelli holds master’s degree from Oregon State University in Communication and Adult Education. She received her Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene from Oregon Health Sciences University in 1996.

When not working, Kelli enjoys traveling to cool venues for scuba-diving and performing in live theater productions.



The new R&R for thriving in times of change

 Throughout life’s journey we are presented with many situations and realities that we do not choose. 2020 comes to mind. The kinds of challenges that sneak up on us and leave us reeling. Consider these: Employment restructuring, work norms undone, parents falling ill, children needing extra resources, changes in your primary relationship status, Covid-19 upending your world, or cancer striking!

When life’s challenges hit, they can throw us into a negative spin of despair and fear, with outcomes of anxiety, depression, and becoming the slug on the couch – unable to motivate ourselves.

OR- They present us with the opportunity to change, to shift our focus, to see new opportunities. To see what is possible. The choice is ours.

Resilience is just that, the ability to recover quickly from adversity, shift mindset and actions, and adapt to your new reality. And the outcome of resilience is the opportunity to change and reinvent ourselves for the future we are excited about.

How do we get there?

Take a journey of exploration into what is possible when we set ourselves up to thrive in times of change, creating foundational habits to be resilient and to reinvent ourselves so we can take actionable steps to achieve our dreams!


-Discover 5 pillars of resilience- and how to shore them up in your life

-Explore self-care strategies necessary to thrive thru times of change

-Create your non-negotiables- so you can be ready for the unexpected

-Invest in your personal reinvention for the future you dream of


Three keys to personal & professional growth.

In today’s changing world, with its constant stress and overwhelm, we all long for balance and a sense of wellbeing. As we are buried in to-do lists and seemingly never-ending demands on our time, we forget to dream, we forget to stop and evaluate where we are, what we want, and how to get there.

But what if…

What if we had the tools to grow? Imagine yourself moving forward, experiencing joy and meeting your goals. Picture yourself happy and fulfilled — developing new skills for your workplace, mastering a hobby, discovering for fun! Looks good, doesn’t it?

How do we get there?

How does one begin? This fast-paced and engaging presentation will provide three concrete ways to jump-start your goals. You will walk away with new tools to use in fulfilling your dreams and desires, whether they are personal or professional.


  • Investigate ways to increase self-affirmations and positive thought about yourself.
  • Discover blocks to investing in yourself and strategies for overcoming them.
  • Reignite the power of play and its positive effects.

 You are worth it, let’s dive deeper and discover that healthier you.


Self-care strategies to slay workplace burnout.

In today’s fast-paced, overstressed world, those of us who care for the health and well-being of others often place ourselves at the bottom of the list when it comes to self-care. Everyone else’s needs come before our own, both at work and at home. How can we be effective professionals if our own tank is half-full, or worse, empty?

But what if…

What if we spin this practice on its head? What if we viewed self-care as important as we view oxygen? What if we truly lived by this simple truth — caring for yourself will allow you to better care for others.

How do we get there?

By incorporating simple strategies into our lives, we can slay workplace burnout and rejuvenate our sense of purpose. This course empowers you to make positive choices for your physical and mental self. This experience offers four important self-care strategies that will empower you to remain in the driver’s seat. Kelli provides simple tools to help you thrive.


  • Investigate simple, positive changes to increase health and happiness.
  • Evaluate the power of play as a stress management technique.
  • Discover principles in self-care strategies to increase resilience.

 You are worth it, let’s dive deeper and discover that healthier you.


Kelli Jaecks, Health Care, Burnout, MARTINIS & MENOPAUSE, RESILIENCE
Kelli Jaecks, Health Care, Burnout, MARTINIS & MENOPAUSE, RESILIENCE

Considerations in Women’s Health.

Let’s be real: throughout our lives as women, our bodies change, and our hormones groan. Whether we are dealing with Periods, PMS, Pregnancy, or Peri-menopause, many women find themselves feeling alone and confused.  As our hormones fluctuate, they affect our emotional and physical selves. Most workplaces seldom recognize this, much less provide a safe space for these very real changes. How can we best support ourselves and each other throughout these differing seasons of life?

But what if…

What if the more we learn about what is happening in our bodies the more we can empower ourselves with positive lifestyle choices to better show up for our families, co-workers, friends and – most importantly – ourselves? Women at every age must take this to heart.

How do we get there?

The simple truth is this: All women have the power to feel better and live better no matter where we are on our hormonal journey. This presentation offers tools to learn why our bodies change and explore simple strategies in mental and physical wellness to beat the hormone groan. Kelli offers self-care tips and tricks for the women in your workforce to empower themselves to live their best lives at every age.


  • Discover how much female physiology impacts your health, your happiness, and your hormone balance.
  • Learn how to better incorporate health care strategies into our daily lives.
  • Explore ways to build women-focused communities in the workplace and inspire one another to connect and collaborate.

You are worth it, let’s dive deeper and discover that healthier you.


(for virtual)

…WOW! Thank you so much for presenting today. Your presentation was absolutely amazing! I have never seen interaction like that before virtually. You were incredible & I could feel your energy through the screen.“

Operations Team of Global Dynamic Events- Paityn Fiets

(for live)

“Kelli’s enthusiasm and passion about self-care is contagious in a way that encourages us to reevaluate our personal level of self-care. She expresses the importance of making self-care a primary concern without guilt or anxiety. She is engaging and entertaining with her stories that highlight a well-balanced lifestyle.”

Sue Harte, Past President, Oregon School Counselor’s Association

 “Kelli was spot-on in tailoring her presentation to our group’s mission and vision. If you want a speaker who will motivate and inspire your company to be inclusive, to fully support women in the workforce, and to create a culture of community and grace – Kelli is who you want. Everyone who listened in, loved Kelli’s energy and took away many pearls of advice.”

Andi Bortoletto. Senior Oncology Account Specialist, Ipsen, Biopharmaceuticals

“I hired Kelli as one of the featured speakers at our annual meeting and she was an absolute hit! In her preparation, she surveyed our participants to help her better understand their job, their challenges, and their needs. She connected with attendees by using their language and stories in her presentation. Working in an industry that demands so much from our employees, it was refreshing to have Kelli’s focus on them – their health, self-care and wellness. As the program planner, I enjoyed Kelli’s energy, focus, knowledge, and professionalism.”

Michael A. Jones, Executive Director

Family Resource and Youth Services Centers Coalition, Ky

Video One

Video Two