Peter T. de Jager, Computers, Change Management, Futurism

man with beard


Speaker:  Peter T. de Jager, Computers, Change Management, Futurism                  

Topic Title:              

  1. Peter T. de Jager, Computers, Change Management, Futurism

    Professional Fees subject to change without notice

  • $$ = under $15,000
  • Expenses:    As incurred                
  • Travels from:    Canada – Ontario
  • Expenses for Travel, (air and ground) Accommodations, Meals, Traveling Companion, and Incidentals are not included in the above fees.
  • Discounted Fees:  Under rare and special circumstances speakers may discount their fees at their discretion. i.e., booking multiple events with the same client.
  •  Non profit organizations may also qualify for a discount.

Computers, Change Management , Creativity, Futurism

Computers, Change Management , Creativity, Futurism


Peter de Jager is a speaker/writer/consultant on the issues relating to the Rational Assimilation of the Future. He has published hundreds of articles on topics ranging from Problem Solving, Creativity and Change to the impact of technology on areas such as privacy, security and business. His articles have appeared in The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Futurist and Scientific American. His monthly schedule is hectic… In addition to presentations and seminars on the topics above, he writes about a dozen regular columns. These include;

Computer World Canada – an IDG publication, this IT management column is picked up on a regular basis by about a dozen other IDG publications worldwide. Total readership: ~300,000 Globe & Mail online Canada’s National Newspaper, this Column addresses the Impact of Technology on Society. Total readership: ~300,000 The ABA Banker’s Journal The voice of the American Bankers Association, the column focuses on IT in the Banking community. Total readership: ~35,000 Municipal World Distributed to Municipal Government offices across Canada, the column focuses on the intersection between technology and good management. Total readership: ~35,000 Galt Global Review Career, IT and Business Issues. Monthly readership: ~20,000 HR Gateway Human Resource Issues. Monthly Readership: ~20,000 The Voyageur A Science Fiction e-zine, this free ranging column addresses how we Build the Future.  Monthly readership: Numbers unknown, but we know it is out of this world! In total, slightly more than 1,000,000 readers have an opportunity to share Peter’s thoughts each month.

Having spoken in more than 34 countries he is recognized worldwide as an exciting and engaging speaker. His audiences have included the World Economic Forum, The World Bank and The Bank for International Settlements.

His presentations use humor to challenge the myths surrounding our understanding of the Change process and the benefits of technology. His talks are suitable to both staff and upper management. His single minded objective, despite the global nature of some of the issues, is always to provide actionable solutions and new avenues of approach to seemingly intractable problems.

His presentations and workshops are highly interactive, fun, irreverent to mistaken ideas and most distinctively – provocative. His work forces you to think differently about things you thought you were already sure you knew. In May, 2001 he was honored by CIPS for his work in Y2K and was recently appointed as an Associate Director of The Global Future Forum a Unisys Corporation initiative.


Change Management

All of Peter’s work focuses on the issue of how individuals, and therefore all organizations, assimilate Change.His keynote presentation is “Managing the Chaos brought about by Change”.  When consulting, presenting or giving seminars – he has a well deserved reputation for provoking thought, challenging assumptions and exposing the real causes behind otherwise perplexing problems.  He speaks from experience with passion, conviction and a sense of humor.  He believes his purpose is to entice his audience to think deeper about Change and how it affects us.  His goal is to challenge the myths surrounding Change that construct obstacles in front of successful implementations.

While his focus is on the Management issues surrounding Change, he also speaks on how we look to the Future and the technologies which bring Change into our lives.

His thoughts on the Management processes surrounding Change brought about by technology are published regularly in monthly columns in Computer World, The Globe and Mail, Municipal World, the ABA Bankers Journal, as well as his own syndicated column on Change Management.

He’s spoken for hundreds of clients ranging from the World Economic Forum to a Town Hall Meeting in Peoria, IL.

Profiled by many leading publications such as the FT of London and the NY Times which described him as having “A talent for simple metaphors and pithy pronouncements”.

Don’t be Too Different

On one hand our organizations need Creativity – Creativity generates new products and services, new solutions to old problems and new perspectives on where we might go in the future.

On the other hand? Creativity terrifies us. Creativity generates risk, it consumes resources with no guarantee of a ROI, and until it delivers – we consider it a waste of time.

On the third hand (Yes – I know… but be creative for a second) we believe we’re not Creative – that Creativity requires genius and it’s not normally within the reach of mere mortals like ourselves.

Creativity is all about making new connections between old ideas/objects/things. That isn’t too difficult, there’s a variety of proven methodologies that enable us to mix and match ideas and objects at will. Obviously, not all the results generated by these processes are of any use; a running shoe that does double duty as a Didgeridoo is definitely a ‘creative’ product – but I doubt there’s much of a market for this particular cross trainer.

The Creativity problem is two-fold: How can we generate new ideas when we need them? And, How do we overcome our reluctance to accept the risk of wasted time/effort/resources that is part and parcel of the creative process?

Join Peter as he explores aspects of the Creativity Conundrum.

1 – The obstacles we place in front of new ideas – What exactly prompts someone to state prior to a session on Creativity, “Don’t be too different!” – and what can we do to mitigate these concerns?

2 – Creating new ideas – we’ll focus on how we can unstick ourselves when we’re convinced we have nothing Creative to offer.

The presenter is Peter de Jager. For the last few decades Peter has consulted on, and studied the connections between Problem Solving, Creativity and how we respond to Change. This presentation draws heavily on his experience and findings, he promises a challenging, interactive, provocative and useful session.

On Predicting the Future

To put it bluntly? Soothsaying is dangerous work. People who attempt to predict the Future are usually burnt at the stake – either literally or figuratively. We take great glee at poking fun at those who ‘predict’ Flying Cars – or whether ‘640k should be good enough for anyone’. We want to know what’s around the corner, but when someone attempts to predict what will likely happen, we demand certainty, and fault them when that certainty isn’t forthcoming.

This keynote explores what we can learn from failed predictions, what types of predictions go awry, and what rules we can apply to our thinking as we look out to the Future and try to plan for what has yet – not occurred. It focused more on HOW we might look forward and less on specific predictions.

Here’s a prediction about this session – it won’t consist of idle musings – the goal is to provide the audience with an idea or two that people can take back to their organization and apply – if not immediately – then perhaps in the future.

Here are a few concepts.

1) How can we apply something like Moore’s Law, in this case ‘The Rule of 100’ to our thinking?
2) What always happens to a new technology as it matures?
3) What is a ‘Vapour Point’ and how can we us the concept to make reasonable predictions?
4) Are there ‘cusps’ in the maturation of any technology that we can exploit?

The presenter is Peter de Jager. For the last few decades Peter has consulted on, and studied the connections between Problem Solving, Creativity and how we respond to Change. This presentation draws heavily on his experience and findings, he promises a challenging, interactive, provocative and useful session.



“We have all done “change management” seminars in our business careers and they are often treated as “here we go again”, or “out with the old, in with the past” approach which can be very mundane. However I can honestly say that Peter offered a breath of fresh air and different angle which was delightful to see. The importance of 2 way communications, rewarding the effort for trying to change, necessity for support structure and consensus, are important factors. Finally, humour and having fun were important aspects of his delivery. Our Chapter members were very impressed with his style and approach, and I would not hesitate to recommend Peter as a great speaker for anyone involved in change management and indeed, his many other attributes. He’s a great ole chap indeed. We hope to see Peter again soon to take advantage of his talent.”
Colin Janes, President, PMI NL Chapter, March 2005

“Peter de Jager’s lunchtime keynote presentation at our Professional Development Day was the highlight of the event. Peter’s delightful sense of humor and approach to change management had the audience captivated for a full hour as he related every day personal experiences we all have to the management of change in the workplace. His common sense approach and ability to make it simple provided the audience with actionable knowledge in a brief, but very effective presentation. I look forward to having Peter back to present to the Southwest Ohio PMI Chapter.”
Pam Nintrup, PMP, President, Southwest Ohio Chapter, PMI. May 2005

“The power of Peter’s presentation is that the participants are able to persuade themselves of the value of these models. The appreciation at the end of the day was apparent and delegates seized the opportunity to further discuss the models with Peter. Both the chapter meeting and seminar received the highest accolades in the feedback.”
Gordon Bartlett, PMP, President, Sydney Chapter, NSW Australia, PMI, May 2005

“Our chapter was very fortunate to have Peter de Jager speak for a luncheon meeting. Peter is well known and a great friend to the PMI chapters. Our members found the presentation about change management very informative and thought-provoking. Peter pointed out our contradictions between our stated beliefs and our demonstrated behaviours. Everyone left the meeting with new ideas to put to work immediately. At this meeting, we had one of our highest attendance which I believe was because of Peter’s reputation as a knowledgeable speaker. We look forward to having Peter back to one of our events.”
JoAnne Neely, President, PMI Regina South Saskatchewan Chapter

“Peter de Jager’s presentation on the process of Change Management at our Chapter meeting was enlightening, entertaining and thought provoking. Peter takes the audience on a fascinating tour of managing change in the workplace. His hilarious account of every day personal experiences made us all reflect on our own past experiences, both good and bad. Peter left us all with an understanding of why we resist change and how we can more effectively implement and communicate change to minimize uncertainty. I look forward to having Peter back for another presentation to the Mid-Missouri PMI Chapter.”
Ron Parker, PMP, President, Mid-Missouri Chapter, PMI. May 2005

“In just one workshop, Peter de Jager taught our members more about Change Management than a whole library of books. Peter’s side-splitting humour captured our own misconceptions, while his thought provoking exercises demonstrated how to Manage Change, and Implement Change Management; two very different disciplines. Thanks to you Peter, our members view on Change Management has changed…for the better.”
Robert Shields, VP Professional Development, Southwest Ohio Chapter, PMI. May 2005
