Speaker: Dave Rodney
Topic Title:
Dave Rodney, Adventure, Inspiration, Motivation, Teamwork,
Mount Everest
Professional Fees subject to change without notice
- $$ = between $7500 – $15,000
Expenses: As incurred
- Travels from: Millarville, Alberta Canada
- Expenses for Travel, (air and ground) Accommodations, Meals, Traveling Companion, and Incidentals are not included in the above fees.
- Discounted Fees: Under rare and special circumstances speakers may discount their fees at their discretion. i.e., booking multiple events with the same client. Non profit organizations may also qualify for a discount.
Biography – Dave Rodney, Adventure, Mount Everest
Dave Rodney, Adventure, Mount Everest, is the only person in the history of Canada to summit Mt. Everest twice, and his accomplishments are inspiring to many (especially since he was born on the flatlands of North America, has survived four knee surgeries, and has broken his back in four places!).
Dave Rodney, Adventure, Mount Everest, is in high demand on the professional speaking circuit throughout North America, has been involved with 6 documentaries (1), and is completing his book: “More than a Mountain: An Everest Education”. (2) (1) including being the main subject of the pilot episode of “Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives”, and the main contributor to BBC’s “Living Dangerously.” (2) The working title for a multi-faceted literary and artistic exploration addressing the relations of the Everest Experience to the physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, cultural, personal, and professional challenges we all face daily: utilizing the mountain as a metaphor for the “Everyday Everests” we all climb!
Dave Rodney, Adventure, Mount Everest is not just a climber, speaker, and writer; he has also earned a number of degrees, worked in 3rd world countries, served as an educator & administrator in three countries, and built his own business (SpiritQuest Enterprises, Inc.).
Dave Rodney, Adventure, Mount Everest still photography, videography, & written work have been utilized around the world (including National Geographic; Oprah; North American, European and African National Broadcast Companies; North American Corporations; North American and European books and texts), & he has been interviewed across the globe–but what he is most proud of are the rewards he has gained from service with charitable, educational, civic and corporate organizations!
Additional Notes of Interest:
“One of Our Most Influential People” (Calgary TV, 1999)
City of Calgary “Special Achievement Award” Recipient, 1997
“One of This Country’s Most Famous Athletes” (Public Library Web-Site see link below)
Recognized by www, educational, and business groups for “Adventure Everest On-Line, 1997”:
His moving, multi-disciplined, multi-media presentations will empower you to scale your “mountains” with integrity; and you will walk away from the event feeling refreshed, renewed, and re-invigorated!)
Dave is an Active Participant in Celebrity Charity Events involving over 20 local, national, & international causes (Whether it be during an dramatic alpine rescue, a tense board meeting, a crux in a relationship, or the planning of a humanitarian event, Dave believes in “climbing with a conscience”. To get a sneak peak at chapter excerpts from his upcoming book as well as past and future videos, please click on the “Publications” button at the top of this page. Dave’s biography is on file at the Calgary Public Library under “Famous Canadian Athletes”
Please note that Dave will always tailor his presentation to your group’s needs.
“Turn Your Stumbling Blocks Into Stepping Stones!” Motivation, Overcoming Obstacles, Strategizing When we travel towards goals which are truly worth striving for, we are often faced with a myriad of situations we will either consider problems that threaten our dreams, or challenges which will enhance our development–depending on our attitude. David believes that often “we are not granted the grandeur of the next mountain-top vista until we have first trudged through the gullet of the tumultuous valley below”. In this gripping multi-media presentation (which includes life and death accounts of rescues on the highest mountains in the world), you will appreciate why Dave maintains that with proper preparation, our pilgrimage may be easier than we might first imagine: in the words of Lao Tzu, “the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step!”
“Humor in the Himalayas” or “Altitude with an Attitude!” Entertainment, Team Building Documentaries depict expeditions as nothing less than serious endeavors; but when humans are exposed to only one-third the usual amount of oxygen at altitude, they say and do some pretty hilarious things! In this session, you will chuckle at cartoons demonstrating comedy above the clouds; hear side-splitting stories on the effects of elevation; witness crazy antics and accents at altitude; and observe outrageous outtakes rescued from the documentary editing room floor. After the jokes, wit and repartee, you will ask “are these climbers, or clowns…and how did they ever get to the top of the world and back?!”. After running into personal and professional walls back home, Dave rediscovered laughter—at basecamp, where he learned there is a “mountain of entertainment on Everest” (perhaps as a result of having too many people too close to each other for too long!). Venture with him to the lighter side of climbing…it will be a session you will never forget!
“Reaching New Heights Personally and Professionally” or…“Higher Learning: An Everest Education
Via the World-Wide Web” Technology, Dreams How can we program both excitement and relaxation into our jobs? After doing masters work related to the subject, David has discovered some answers which he will share with you in this session. He has incorporated mountaineering into his workplace; and will invite you along to explore some of his favourite areas around the world. This event will feature David’s “Adventure Everest On-Line ‘97” the first international / interactive, internet / e-mail, Business/Education project of its kind, which was based on (and at!) the highest mountain on earth. David will outline the history, curriculum, and system, which linked the world’s highest base camp to classrooms around the globe in 1997, during his team’s attempt to reach the roof of the world…and share the secrets of the strategies utilized during the communication of his own successful 1999 ascent of the mountain. Finally, he will offer ideas for future projects that will inspire you on your own personal and professional journey!
“Adventuring on the Outside, and on the Inside!” or “The Journey of Sacred Time and Space: Mind, Body, & Spirit” Integration, Spirit Balance is critical to personal and professional success. (But what is true success? What is true happiness?) How do we achieve this… physically, intellectually, emotional, spiritually, and socially? Dave shares his journey in these respects, utilizing experiences at some of the most beautiful, yet terrifying places in the world. He draws on the works of contemporary theorists, philosophers, (and cartoonists!); shares exclusive video footage from his successful ascent of Mt. Everest; and offers a meditative CD/Slide show finale as he guides you towards the discovery and enjoyment of your “Sacred Spaces”. After this session, you will return to your world refreshed, renewed, and re-invigorated…appreciating that your influence is much more significant than most people could ever imagine!
“Picture Your Climb!” Visualization, Goal Setting
“I can’t see the forest for the trees!” “I’ve lost my direction” “My get and go, got up and went!” “I can’t get there from here…I just can’t see it!” “I know I have to jump to fly, but I can’t get my feet off the ground!”… If you can relate to these sentiments or are struggling with achieving your full potential, this session is for you. Utilizing experiences on St. Vincent Island’s “La Soufriere”, Washington State’s Mt. Rainier, Argentina’s “Cerro Aconcagua”, Australia’s Ayer’s Rock, and Nepal’s “Solo-Khumbu” Region, David will share his adventures and offer the strategies which saw a simple prairie boy rise to new heights in every way (culminating with his successful ascent of Mt. Everest!). Dave overcome a broken back and re-constructed knee while accomplishing his goals; in hearing his story, you can overcome your obstacles and make your dreams come true too! Whether you are exploring the realms of athletics, academics, or business, Dave will help you take an honest look at your goals, rewards, motivations…while exploring the rational mind, fears, and visioning. Don’t miss this will empowering, enlightening session…it could change your life!
“Footprints to the Future: An Inter-Cultural Legacy of Leisure and Luxury” Socio-Economics, Balance It is common to receive awards and accolades of all sorts after successfully summiting treacherous mountains–risky endeavors which require much sacrifice and dedication. But the challenges of our daily lives are every bit as deserving of attention as these efforts (and in the long run, they are often even more taxing!). Both on the mountain and in the real world, we must examine our histories critically–if we are to avoid repeating personal, social, and global errors of the past…and instead fulfill our true potential both in the microcosmic and macroscopic scales. Once we do so, we will drastically increase our opportunity to be truly happy and successful: individually, and collectively. Utilizing powerful images, video, music, and stories (from across the planet), David will demonstrate that the answers to the deepest questions of our lives are there for us…both around our world, and within ourselves. This session will provide you with the opportunity to look back, look around, and look forward…not with fear, but with satisfaction, hope, and excitement!
Jim O’Brien Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Diabetes Association “I had the pleasure of hearing David Rodney speak on his ascents to the summit of Mt. Everest. His clarity of thought and spiritual strength are the vistas from which he opens the world to his audiences. David’s close family connection to diabetes provides a personal basecamp of understanding on the daily struggles that those living with and affected by diabetes must endure. He relates his personal climbing experiences and decisions to the life challenges a person living with diabetes must face. Dave Rodney makes an excellent advocate and spokesperson for people living with diabetes: his confidence, integrity and spirit will encourage those who listen to look beyond their limitations and take control of their lives…his message is compelling and inspiring!”
Catherine Lineham Manager of Member and Client Relations National Purchasing Management Association “How does one illustrate the “heart and soul”, focus, and 100% professionalism we received as personified through Dave Rodney’s presentation at the Purchasing Management Association Annual Conference this past June 8, 2001? Well, in the months prior to his presentation, PMAC followed Dave’s journey “online” to monitor his progress to and from Mount Everest, and we breathed a collective sigh of relief when we learned that Dave and his team had made it down the mountain safely and successfully (and he was on his way back to North America to fulfill his commitment as keynote speaker at the Conference!). We thoroughly enjoyed Dave’s presence at our Conference. His final plenary session fully supported the goals of the Purchasing Management Association, the importance of our education program, and our hopes to provide members with attitude and skills to support their own personal achievement and development! Dave had barely caught his breath before facing 400+ members of PMAC…and the value our members received from Dave’s presentation may be best illustrated by sharing the effects his keynote:
Many of our members lined up to speak with Dave after his presentation–like teen-age autograph seekers–I don’t recall seeing this happen at a PMAC conference! Many members wanted photos of themselves with Dave! Dave clearly illustrated how supply chain management is critical in the planning of expeditions up the tallest mountain in the world. His experiences fit extremely well into the messages that are integral to PMAC’s education program! Members came away from the session energized and confident: we know because the sense of “I know I can do it” was in the air!” Andrew Bentley Hewlett Packard “Dave is incredibly motivating. The phrase that stood out for me the most were the ‘nine false summits’. I’m going to carry that with me for a long, long time: the notion that in life, in all of our journeys and all of our challenges, there are going to be false summits along the way. But even when that happens, we’ve got to keep on climbing and continue to go higher, wisely. From a corporate standpoint, all of us face trials similar to what David faced in ascending the mountain: we deal with administrative, team, and other business challenges daily. All of us face difficulties all of the time; and if we can learn from David’s strategizing, we will be successful-just as David is!”
Elizabeth C. Griswold President, National Bottled Water Association “Your presentation was the best keynote we have ever booked! All of us were sitting on the edge of our seats…your stories, slides and video brought your adventure to life in a way I might never have imagined: the impact and emotion of actually made it feel as if I had been to the top of the world! Now I can say I’ve been there through your eyes, soul and emotion. Thank you for sharing special moments in your life with us, and relating them so well to our own personal and professional “Everests”. Your presentation is something I will never forget.” Sharon Carry President & CEO, Bow Valley College “I have never heard a more inspiring speaker! What a wonderful talent you’ve been given…thank you for sharing your gift with us! Continue following your dreams and taking others along for the ride; so many others need you!”
G.C. Gunther Area Sales Manager, DuPont “Mr. Rodney was the banquet dinner speaker for VIP meeting, and he did a great job motivating our group. We found his presentation both interesting and very exhilarating: Dave used a combination of slides, video and music to share with us one of the most grueling and physically challenging experiences the body and soul can endure. His presentation was believable, enthralling, and genuine. After his formal presentation, Dave spent a considerable amount of time our customers, answering their many questions, taking a personal interest in our stakeholders, and freely sharing of his experience. I recommend Dave Rodney to any group wishing to share in one of the most unique experiences a person can participate in!”
Robert Herbst President, Progressive Achievement Associates Ltd. “You have been in assisting in our most recent projects in Indianapolis, Minneapolis, and Kansas City. The group of 300 employees you spoke to have had to embrace a deep cultural shift in terms of their thinking, strategies and daily actions. This has been a serious challenge for them to first comprehend, and then execute. All involved were genuinely impacted by your ability to use your experiences on Mt. Everest, along with the appropriate analogies and images, to establish a definition of their current business and personal journeys. In assessing, planning and designing the development plan for this transformation, I personally benefited from the efforts you put into crafting a message that perfectly suited our audience. Thank you Dave, for sharing your energy! I look forward to working with you on many more projects in guiding people towards progressive achievement.”
Geoff Day Computing Organization of Ontario President “Without a doubt, Dave’s presentation was the most professional I have seen: and as one who has given and seen hundreds of them, I feel qualified to say that! It was uplifting and beautifully executed, and made me think about life and the intricacies of decisions. Dave’s sense of multi-media timing can only be described as perfect! I have always felt that mountains remind us of our scale in the world and of our relationship to the natural world; Dave’s presentation reinforced that feeling clearly, and added many challenges to my perceptions. I learned about determination and why people climb mountains-both real ones, and those in that exist only in their minds! The techniques for scaling these mountains are so similar: sound planning, exploration of possibilities, and commitment to the goal. I have no hesitation in recommending Dave to any group that wants to create an atmosphere which takes people out of their situation and creates a new perspective for them in a vivid way. He successfully took us with him on his journey, and I felt I had truly shared parts of his experience–the agonies and the ecstasies!” Jason Zaran Customer Team Manager, HJ Heinz Company “Thank you for your presentation to our sales team! You were totally in synch with my goals, and the message was perfect for the group. It helped people realize their potential and what they can do if they simply put their minds to it. It allowed people the right to “THINK BIG” and not seem like they were silly to do so. Your presentation was communicated in a very down to earth manner that helped to put our lives into perspective. I had many positive comments come back to me about both the quality of the material and the presentation itself. We find an opportunity for you to present to our senior management team!”
Peter MacKinnon University of Saskatchewan President “One of the world’s greatest mountaineers offers an unforgettable account of his experiences and the meaning they hold for all of us. Dave Rodney’s message is an inspirational one. It is about danger and hardship, but it is also about the dreams, preparation, determination, and courage that are required to pursue them.”
L. Winthers & T. Weatherup Hospice Calgary Executive and Special Events Directors “Your eloquent story telling, together with the added lighthearted interludes, provided our guests with a very emotional and enjoyable experience. It has been a true pleasure to have the opportunity to work with you. Thank you so much for helping make this evening so successful. You are a very special friend of Hospice.” Al Duerr Former Mayor, City of Calgary “On behalf of Calgary City Council and the citizens of the city, I congratulate you on your outstanding achievement of climbing Mt. Everest on May 13, 1999. Not only have you represented your sport at a level of excellence, you have been an outstanding ambassador for all of us. We are all proud of your accomplishments. Thank you for your leadership and I wish you all the best!
Randy Atkinson News Director / Radio Personality, & Coordinator of “An Evening with David Rodney” Charity Event “David Rodney’s journey to the summit of Mt. Everest is a remarkable achievement for the human spirit. His ability to express himself so vividly, coupled with breathtaking photography and videography, leaves audiences compelled, spellbound, and wanting more. His storytelling may only be surpassed by his mountaineering ability. Dave takes his audiences to the top of the world, and back again–in a very real manner. Without question, his is the best adventure you can encounter, without even leaving your seat!”
Leo Kelly Forensic C.A., Speaker, Climber, & Past-president: Provincial C.A. Institute “Dave delivers an impressive presentation of an extraordinary achievement. He demonstrates how faith in yourself and your team can result in the fulfillment of your dreams. His easygoing style and professional manner brings you right along with him as he travels to the top of the world!”
Dan Jelinski Consultant/Speaker “Mr. Rodney’s dynamic presentation invites the listener to move beyond the mere physical dimension of wilderness adventure. Using breathtaking images and inspirational commentary. David, the mountaineer, adventurer and soul traveler plumbs the heights and depths of the inner journey. For him, the quest for Everest became as much of a journey of going inside as it was of going out. David touches all who have ever gathered the courage to climb their own personal ‘Everests’. Explorers in the back-country or the boardroom will benefit from David’s rich insights. I highly recommend his presentation. David’s story is not to be missed.”
Lori-Ann Betton CEATCA Conference Director “Your visuals and commentary sent us a very strong message. Every audience member continues to be in awe of the photography and stories you shared. Your address inspired and touched us. It felt as if you were talking directly to each of us. We celebrate your success with a new hope for our success as well. Thank you for showing us that a ‘stumbling block’ can indeed be a ‘stepping stone’ as we fulfill our goals!”
Julian Demkiw University of Saskatchewan Alumni & Development President “Dave successfully tailors his visually intense presentation of experiences on Everest to the journey of life. He is a spellbinding storyteller, professional presenter, accomplished athlete, determined individual, dreamer, and distinguished alumnus. Dave’s versatile speaking style and universal messages guarantee that this we will have him back soon to share his new experiences!”
Caroline Danis Public Administrator “Mr. Rodney is enthusiastic and enlightening. He speaks about how to live life creatively and positively–seeking themes and meaning, while exploring mystery. In the complex society we live in, things are always changing. We need to nurture our souls. Dave has shown us how to do this. I highly recommend him as a professional speaker.”
Allen Hayes Cargill Ag Horizons ” I just wanted to tell you how much your presentation meant to me. I’m scared of heights myself and watching you ascend Mt. Everest was petrifying to me. As I listened and watched you the palms of my hands were sweating. You must have noticed my discomfort because you asked if I was scared of heights, then when I told you I was, you told me you were also and how you handled it. You said focus on one step, make that step, focus on the next step, make that step…and the next, and the next…and before you knew it you where were you wanted to be. That really hit home for me. Too many times we focus only on the Big Picture and then forget to consider the things we can actually control here and now, such as setting our goals, in challenging, realistic way, which are in line with the Ultimate. I just want to say “Thanks” for taking the time to speak to our group. I would highly recommend your presentation to anyone!”
Garry Gawryliuk High School SRC Coordinator “Dave Rodney did a tremendous job speaking to our student body and staff. His personal triumph of climbing Mount Everest was remarkable and the audience had an opportunity to relive that quest through the slides that Dave presented. His journey was all about dedication, perseverance and knowing one’s self-being. He kept his audience captivated and his message aroused their interest and enthusiasm not only for life but also for the challenges that life may present. Student responses included: “great motivator,” “inspirational,” “caring,” “remarkable,” and “what everybody should hear.” How much impact did Dave have? A standing ovation at the beginning and end of his session: now that’s making an impression! Dave will inspire you to tackle all of the large and small challenges that life presents to you. ”