Speaker: Norm Rebin, Global Vision, Inspiration and Idealism, Futurist
Topic Title:
- Norm Rebin, Global Vision, Inspiration and Idealism, Futurist
Professional Fees subject to change without notice
- $$ = between $10,000 – $15,000
- Expenses: As incurred
- Travels from: Ontario, Canada
- Expenses for Travel, (air and ground) Accommodations, Meals, Traveling Companion, and Incidentals are not included in the above fees.
- Discounted Fees: Under rare and special circumstances speakers may discount their fees at their discretion. i.e., booking multiple events with the same client.
- Non profit organizations may also qualify for a discount.
Global Vision, Creative Options, Humour, Inspiration and Idealism, Futurist
First international C.P.A.E./ Speaker Hall of Fame Inductee
30 Years of Business Experience on 5 Continents
Peer Recognition:
First international C.P.A.E. / Speaker Hall of Fame inductee
Lifetime Member Award, National Speakers’ Association
One of three world wide recipients of the International Ambassador Award
Featured in “The Greatest Speakers I Ever Heard” by D. Walters, published by the Napolean Hill Group Community Recognition
National Citation for Citizenship:
Outstanding Alumnus award from his alma mater
International JC Honorary Governor
U.N. 50th Anniversary Global Citizen Award
Norm Rebin day in Ohio
National Citation for Citizenship
Media Attention:
Norm regularly appears on a number of television and radio shows in the USA, Canada, New Zealand, India, England, Sweden, and the Caribbean.
He has been featured in print publications such as Life Magazine, Financial Post, MacLean’s, and dozens of newspapers around the world.
Business & Professional Background:
International Administration Specialist (Graduate Studies in North America/Europe)
Regional Director of Adult Education
Speech writer to World Leaders
Officer-in-Charge, Diplomatic Corps, India
National Director, Wage and Price Control Program
Visiting Professor, Executive MBA Program
Federal political advisor
Norm Rebin’s publications from Government Vision Papers, to university curricula to children’s stories
Norm’s speeches have inspired over 4,000 audiences in more than 30 countries.
His communications coaching and policy development client lists reads like the who’s who of a dozen countries
Need some innovative thinking? Better collegiality? Expanding markets? A whole new focus? learn how Norm has helped a variety of organizations innovate and flourish.
One Person Can Make A Difference
This is Norm’s guiding belief. Here are a few ways that he personally has impacted on his society:
Norm has developed and promoted legislation which now helps fight hunger in seven jurisdictions.
Every second year he and his family devote all Christmas givings to a clean water project throughout the world.
He has turned his farm into a Ducks Unlimited preserve… inspiring 52 others along the same creek to follow his lead.
Norm has championed the fight against a proposed city planning bill which would have left a large number of poor people with no residential options.
All kinds of people ask for and receive help: parents whose travelling children are lost overseas, anyone who knows someone looking for work, funding, legislative alternatives, or a “new life”. He always points them to creative alternatives and concrete information.
Norm has authored a variety of audio and video tapes and printed material for your ongoing development.
His Pinehurst Institute also offers performance licences.
Norm Rebin’s dynamic, totally tailored presentations empower your audience members to maximize on their futures, and that of their organizations.
Norm brings a diversified background, extraordinary creativity and a dose of prairie practicality to all his presentations. As a student of international administration, a diplomat, a political aide and a senior government policy innovator, Norm has lived on three continents and in all parts of Canada. As an international leadership and communications consultant, he has inspired audiences, honed corporate and political leaders, and, helped a wide range of clients to launch successful new initiatives in 27 countries.
Norm’s ability to inspire audiences from many industries and countries, and, his professional approach to clients have earned him the following professional designations: member of the C.P.A.E. Professional Speakers Hall of Fame, member of the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame, and Legend of Modern Professional Speaking.
His global perspective, decades of hands-on experience and ability to adapt outside solutions to inhouse situations, present your audience with limitless options and opportunities. His down-to-earth examples make them realizable; and, his energy, humour and tailored examples make audience members say, “I felt he was talking directly to me.”
For an entertaining, results oriented program, let Norm Rebin speak directly to your audience members .
Products and Services:
Personal Coaching
Speech Writing
In-House Consulting
On-Line Services
Top 5 Presentation Topics
The Future is You! Futurist
Glimpse your future through Norm Rebin’s time telescope. Norm will give you ideas on innovative future products, markets, and management techniques. What will our priorities be after the millenium? Norm highlights social, economic, political and technical developments with humour and anecdotes.
Audiences who will benefit most from this presentation:
Any progressive thinking group of decision makers, supervisors or sales people.
The Global Leader
What new skills, attitudes and energies must executives foster to lead their organization to success in this challenging global age? Who has these ideas? How can we help foster them? Norm melds his decades of living, studying and working internationally into an invigorating blueprint for success.
Audiences who will benefit most from this presentation:
Senior decision makers, in international settings.
The Model T.E.A.M.
Norm’s world-wide research indicates that successful teams always exemplify four essential elements:
Trust, Empathy, Action, Maintenance
Building around these four bases, Norm explores pragmatic 21st century methods to enhance the effectiveness of your specific team.
Audiences who will benefit most from this presentation:
Any group who wants to improve overall effectiveness, especially organizations facing changes such as mergers.
Realizing the Future:
Remembering our Roots…
Thoughts of the passing millenium have catapulted this theme into Norm’s most requested topic. Norm takes your audience on an emotional roller coaster as he discusses the following issues:
Recognizing the value of YOUR roots
Putting them in today’s context
Expanding your organizational vision
Stepping up to a rewarding future
Audiences leave the presentation inspired, after Norm “scatters his special magic” over them.
Audiences who will benefit most from this presentation:
Excellent for groups evaluating their future, or celebrating milestones.
Programming UP (Ultimate Performance)
Most people use less than 10% of their potential. Norm introduces them to the other 90%. Based on the four quadrants of human potential, he shows them how to tap into their reserve by:
Demystifying human potential
Expanding the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions
Creating balance in your life
Audiences who will benefit most from this presentation:
Salespeople, managers, and independent business people. This seminar provides them with attitudes and skills for significantly enhanced performance.
Living Leadership
What new skills, attitudes and energies must executives foster to lead their organization to success in this challenging global age? Who has these ideas? How can we help foster them? Norm melds his decades of living, studying and working internationally into an invigorating blueprint for success.
Audiences who will benefit most from this presentation:
Senior decision makers, in international settings.
Keynote or Motivational Topics:
Goose Bumps or Lame Ducks: Re-positioning for success
Leading Edge Leadership
The W.I.N Formula: Three Strategies for a Successful Organization
Partnering for the Competitive Advantage
Kiss or Hiss: The Board-Management Interface
Getting More from Your 24: Putting Quality & Productivity into the Time of Your Life
Skill Development
Productive Partnering: Steps to Make it Happen
Molding and Managing the Model T.E.A.M.
Seven Day Steps to Management Success
“The person who said ‘You can’t please all of the people all of the time,’ never heard Norm Rebin speak”
Prudential of America
” … most thought provoking speaker we have ever listened to”
Charlotte Sales & Marketing Executives
“…every illustration, every thought, was something we could all relate to.”
Farm Credit Corporation
“… a precious mix of information, education and entertainment which can be used immediately.”
Concordia Executive MBA Program
” … the content was perfect’
Huntington Bank
“… precisely what I was looking for”
Oklahoma Credit Union League
“… simply outstanding”
” … you helped management and employeees understand each other”
L.A. Airport Police
” the usual outstanding Rebin performance”
Municipal Electrical Association
“…very moving presentation…I felt you were talking directly to me”
Miles Labs
” the energy he unleashed will forever change this organization”
General Motors -CPC
“… just the right speaker”
Saskatchewan Safety Engineers
“Your message was not only superbly delivered, but the content really gave us food for thought”
“… able to apply your words realistically, both to their personal lives and to their business goals.”
Rental Association
” a truly fascinating session that brought together the personal and professional areas of our lives”
IBM Armonk
“The message was just right.”
VIA Rail
“You made us look like geniuses.”
Guidance and Couselling Association
“excellent content, style and delivery”
Calgary Volunteer Association
“You opened our minds to the ‘other’ point of vie
“…use of your services was one of the best decisions we have ever made”
Bell OP Facilities