Table of Contents
Speaker: Sheryl Nicholson
Topic Title:
- Sheryl Nicholson, Life Balance, Change, Communication, Sales, Goals, Inspiration, Stress Management
Professional Fees subject to change without notice
- $ = under $10,000
- Expenses: As incurred
- Travels from: Palm Harbor, FL
- Expenses for Travel, (air and ground) Accommodations, Meals, Traveling Companion, and Incidentals are not included in the above fees.
- Discounted Fees: Under rare and special circumstances speakers may discount their fees at their discretion. i.e., booking multiple events with the same client.
- Non profit organizations may also qualify for a discount.
Sheryl Nicholson, CSP is an International renowned Motivational Speaker and People Productivity Expert working in many different industries where there are challenges in communication, sales, change management, leadership, and life balance.
Because Sheryl is “matter of fact” and “bottom-line oriented” she is a popular guest on television and radio and is nationally published in magazines and books.
CSP stands for Certified Speaking Professional and it is awarded to the top 8% in the speaking industry through the National Speakers Association. Sheryl is one of only 128 women in the world to hold this important designation. What benefit does a CSP bring to your Meeting? A proven track record of continuing speaking experience and expertise. CSP’s are committed to ongoing education, outstanding service and ethical behavior. She is known by meeting planners as “easy to work with.
“Diversity is in Sheryl Nicholson’s history and everyday life. As a plumber’s daughter, at 19 she married a foreign exchange student and moved to Sweden for 3 years. There, she creatively found employment while learning the language and culture. Returning to the State, she worked at UNC, she also seized the opportunity to learn about the in-home sales industry and within a year was top salesperson in three states. She became a recruiter, trainer, and manager. Risktaking skills were used when she lived in a tent with 4 children for 18 months while physically building the first double home on the east coast of the US; started her business as a divorced mom of 4 while working 3 jobs; and last year started a dot com business that focuses on customer service.
Sheryl Nicholson, CSP has built her business on RESULTS!
With a strong and multi year background in sales and management, she knows the importance of providing a good return on your investment of time and money for the program you select.
This is done in a number of ways that fit the needs of her clients. For example:
Her Sales Programs guarantee a minimum 10% increase in sales or the fee is returned.
Her unique approach “Don’t create the Great Sales Divide! Make EVERY member of the company a sales representative! After all, every one of your staff “sell” their ideas when they want a raise or time off! It’s just a matter of re-engineering their thinking to be Problem Solvers and Relationship Builders for clients, NOT salespeople writing contracts and collecting short-term money!
“Sales Managers book this seminar and…this class has been presented to nurses, engineers, IT professionals and other groups not formally known as “the Sales Division” of a company.
Get a Life Balanced! brings results that literally changes lives personally and professionally. The hundreds of emails from attendees confirm better time management skills, improved productivity through her techniques of overcoming procrastination, and enhanced family ties through her Legacy Living concepts. It is Sheryl’s Most Requested Program.
Here is a partial list of 60 minute modules that stand alone as keynotes or can be combined into a half or full day program. Customization of topic and title is also done to enhance your theme for a pre-determined event.
How To Get A Life . . . Balanced –
Keynote Ya gotta eat, but you also gotta live. It’s JUST a job, not your life, and the smarteset companies teach their staff how to be the best and brightest at work, and then go home and make a difference in the lives of the people they love. Real life techniques on time and life management and Legacy Living ™ .
Building Your People Puzzle – Learn who (co-workers, committee members, in-laws, boss) drives you crazy, why, and what you can do about it to connect instead of reject. Fun and effective!
Stabilizing The Winds Of Change ™ – Thrive or die. Companies are rewarding Risktakers, people who embrace change and see it as an asset. Energizing program that raises the confidence of the employee in self and the organization they serve.
Speaking With Authenticity ™ – Move beyond the fear of speaking to learning the 12 Secrets of the Remembered and Exceptional Pros.
Our programs offer realistic tools that your audience will put to use immediately through:
Interactive participation
Personalized workbooks
Follow-through resource guide
One year toll free phone and email support are offered to every participant.
These programs can be created in various time modules and it’s suggested that all staff be allowed to rotate through these programs so that a “level playing field” is created.
While we will create Custom programs, the following have become the most popular training programs with our clients. Please click on any of these titles to get more details.
Chameleon Selling© – This program is guaranteed to increase sales for the novice and veteran salesperson but has also been taught in non-traditional industries like engineering and health care. It takes away the myth that you must have a title of salesperson to see yourself as one and includes a seven step road map that keeps your focused on the purpose of the meeting.
Transformational Leadership© – Are there still Management Dinosaurs© roaming your halls today using fear, intimidation, secrecy and politics to control others? Today we need to be Transformational Leaders, coaching and empowering with a No Excuses Management Style. We will take an investigative journey into the 5 old styles of management and dig deeper into the skills needed to be a Transformational Leader.
Building Your People Puzzle© – People are an organizations greatest asset. It costs $60,000 to replace an employee and retrain a new one. With those statistics, companies are looking for leaders who can put in place the right person the first time; get them up and running as effectively as possible; then coach, discipline, and empower so that they are committed and dedicated team players. This program gives specific tools for just that!
Strategic Communications – Label the 11 records in your Communication Jukebox© so that you know when you’re playing passive, aggressive, assertive records. Understand the communication rattlesnakes that hide in every organization and how to make them accountable for their “verbal bite”. The Sensational Seven questions are shared and the Criticism Graph empowers you to understand when to and not listen to criticism.
Strategic Living Choices – Are you a goal watcher, a goal avoider, a goal setter, or a GOAL ACHIEVER? Statistically, year after year, the numbers have remained the same….only 5-6% of us will attain our goals . This 8 hour program was created especially for YOU!
We will move from excuses and reasons to actions and commitments. You are guaranteed to see results after this program! With help, that first step will lead to another and another and this time next year you will be able to sit down and visually list your accomplishments. Get ready to start on this new path as the “Driver in Your Vehicle of Life.”
Additional Training Programs:
Say What? (Effective Communication Techniques)
Expressionate Selling (Learn 7 Steps in the Selling Process)
Success Strategies (Goal Setting in 7 Areas of Life)
Attitude’s the Key (Problem Solving and Attitude Re-Focusing Techniques)
“I would describe your style as a combination of Zig Ziglar, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, and Dr. Laura Schlesinger! You deliver an enthusiastic message that touches the heart and holds the audience accountable to put to use what they hear”
Ray Pelletier, CSP,
Past NSA Director
“You captured the spirit of our clients’ convention theme and were right on the mark with their goals and objectives! I’ll be referring you to additional clients in the future!”
Paul Thomasson,
Extravaganza Productions
“Your American style was brilliant! You customized to our ways and gave us specific techniques I believe I will use here in the U.K.”
S. Jefferson,
British Aerospace, United Kingdom
“I became more balanced immediately after returning home.”
Jim Sanders,
American Advertising Federation
“I am using your suggestions and training almost on a daily basis”
Larry Bell,
Fire Chief, FL
“I’ve heard you speak before and enjoy you more everytime.”
Jean Ransom,
“What you teach and how you do it allows the supervisors to hit the ground running and actually accomplish some positive changes quickly”
Beth Stefek,
City of Kissimmee, FL
“It’s been 2 weeks since the conference and everyone is still talking and using it”
CIA Washington
“I use all your aids and they have bolstered my confidence at work and otherwise”
Melanie Batson,
“You certainly are service oriented, we are getting the maximum value from the time invested.”
Mary Helen Scott ,
ISD Dept. City of Sarasota, FL
“This class enlightened me to the different communication styles that will enhance my skills on the job and at home”
Carolyn Wilkins,
Dept. of Corrections, McCain, NC