Table of Contents
Speaker: Anne Moss Rodgers
Topic Title:
- The Emotionally Naked ® Speaker, Author, mental health, suicide, addiction, grief, inspirational
Professional Fees subject to change without notice
- $ = under $10,000
- Expenses: As incurred
- Travels from: Richmond, VA
- Expenses for Travel, (air and ground) Accommodations, Meals, Traveling Companion, and Incidentals are not included in the above fees.
- Discounted Fees: Under rare and special circumstances speakers may discount their fees at their discretion. i.e., booking multiple events with the same client. Non profit organizations may also qualify for a discount.
Anne Moss Rogers, The Emotionally Naked® Speaker, Author, mental health, suicide, addiction, grief, inspirational
Anne Moss Rogers is an emotionally naked® mental health and suicide prevention speaker, TEDx storyteller, certified suicide prevention trainer, and author of the award-winning memoir, Diary of a Broken Mind. After her 20-year-old son, Charles died by suicide in 2015, Anne Moss chronicled her family’s tragedy in a newspaper article that went viral, and her blog, Emotionally Naked, has reached millions. Her second book, Emotionally Naked: A Teacher’s Guide to Preventing Suicide and Recognizing Students at Risk, with co-writer Dr. Kimberly O’Brien was published on August 24, 2021, through Wiley Publishing.
She has been featured in the New York Times, Variety Magazine, and was the first non-clinician invited to speak on youth suicide at the National Institute of Mental Health. She is one of the editors of the American Academy of Pediatrics Blueprint for Youth Suicide Prevention. A UNC-Chapel Hill alumna, Anne Moss currently lives in Richmond, VA with her husband. Her surviving son, Richard, is a filmmaker in LA.
Mental health speaker themes include: mental health; coping skills and resilience; suicide; young adult and teen suicide; post-traumatic growth, addiction and substance misuse, grief and loss, finding purpose; the link between addiction, mental health, and suicide; digital media and its impact on youth mental health and suicide; psychological safety at work
Turning Pain into Purpose
Anne Moss Rogers’ most requested topic includes her powerful story, messages of hope, healing, post-traumatic growth & motivational stories of saving lives using a unique strategy of connection. It is because of her authenticity and relatability that she is one of the most sought-after mental health speakers.
Audiences: conferences, grief events, colleges + more
Type: Keynote
Diary of a Broken Mind- The intersection of mental health, addiction and suicide
Focuses on the relationship between addiction, suicide, and the mental illnesses and trauma that trigger it. Includes messages of hope, coping & resilience after loss. Based on the book, Diary of a Broken Mind.
Audiences: Keynote for students, adults, gov agencies, workplaces
Type: Keynote, Breakout
Digital marketing expert, Anne Moss Rogers uses the skills she knows to help people save their own life. This presentation includes recognizing cries for help on social media & what to do. This unique presentation illustrates an innovative intervention with remarkable results.
Audiences: Parents, educators, workplaces, students
Type: Keynote, breakout
Breakouts and training below
Emotionally Naked® Workplace Wellness
Includes Anne Moss’s story, coping strategies for anxiety, depression, & finding hope. Themes include self-care, DEI, PTO, avoiding burnout, psychological safety, and empowering people with the skills to listen and connect with others.
Audiences: Managers, leaders, workplaces, employees
Type: On site, keynote, breakout
The Emotionally Naked Truth about Suicide
This topic can be a basic primer, a PD for educators, a breakout, a workplace program, or a parent education seminar. It is customized to specific audiences. In includes storytelling, what to look for, what to say/do, and how to prevent someone from getting to crisis. 1-2 hours.
Audiences: Parents, educators, workplaces, military, students
Type: Breakout, PD
Training: Suicide Prevention, Intervention, Postvention
Suicide Prevention Training for Teachers. Half day. This Suicide Prevention, Intervention, Postvention for educators, K-12, and universities, is ideal for a training or pre-conference workshop. It is rich with interactive activities, real-life examples, and case studies of how teachers have created a culture of suicide prevention in their classrooms.
Audiences: Teachers, Principals, School counselors, SROs
Type: Training, Preconference workshop, (Half Day)
Anne Moss Rogers, The Emotionally Naked® Speaker, Author, mental health, suicide, addiction, grief, inspirational
Meeting Planner Reviews
“Anne Moss was a pleasure to work with. She wanted to know our expectations and audience so she would know how to adequately adjust her presentation. We loved her message and she exceeded our company’s vision for our event. We have heard so much positive feedback from attendees, employees and board members. Communication with Anne Moss was also very easy! Even with her busy schedule, she found the time to plan for our event. Highly recommend Anne Moss; moving story, amazing presentation.”
—Kallie Butler, Communications and Meeting Professional, Wellstone Inc
“Anne Moss Rogers shared her story of her son’s struggle with mental illness, substance abuse, and losing his life to suicide. This impactful message has encouraged and inspired Mental Health America Augusta to make suicide prevention and Mental Health First Aid a top priority!”
—Crystal W. Heinz, MHS, Executive Director, Meeting Planning team, Mental Health America-Augusta
“Powerfully raw. Provided intense insight into the full spectrum of mental illness and loss while instilling hope for healing. Thank you for your courage!”
—Jennifer Potter, LOSS Team Project Coordinator, (Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors), LOSS Team Summit, Amarillo, Texas
Educator Reviews
“Anne Moss Rogers tells her tragedy and healing with passion and love. She relates to young people in a very unique and powerful way that few adults can. Her message is critical to all, particularly the teenage population. We are extremely grateful for her.”
—Cassie Rogers, High School Teacher, Health Science Specialty Center Coordinator, Cosby High School
“I love hearing the scripts and how to talk to teens with empathy.”
—Melodi Dewey, Lafayette School District School Psychologist, Lafayette, California
“It was very helpful to see how to start a conversation about suicide in younger children, thank you.”
—Ruth Ontiveros, Elementary School Teacher, Sandoval Academy, New Mexico
Feedback for Anne Moss from a School Nurse Conference:
- “best presentation & most useful”
- “WOW! Talk about taking your grief and making it work for betterment of others.”
- “Thank you so much”
- “No idea so prevalent.”
- “Thank you for including this in the seminar!”
- “Very difficult, but necessary topic.”
- “Tough subject done well.”
- “I am thrilled that SOMEONE is finally standing up and bring the ‘elephant in our society’ to light.”
- “It was incredibly powerful.”
“Thank you! As a school-based therapist, this was sooo helpful.”
—High School School therapist, Pennsylvania
“An outstanding job presenting at the Bonine conference at EIU. Excellent information for all stakeholders involved with people of all ages.”
—Don Dawson, Academic Advisor, Eastern Illinois University, Bonine Suicide Prevention Conference
“Anne Moss captured and retained the attention of every student that she interfaced with at VSU because of her compelling message and her commitment to being emotionally naked. Perhaps because of her honesty in addressing the most difficult topic she was able to secure the trust of cynical undergrads despite just meeting them.”
—Jon Young, School Board Member, Dir of Corporate Relations, Virginia State University
“Thank you so much for sharing your story. The issues with SUD vs mental illness really resonated with me because I have seen that happen in our area and it’s such a shame. I am currently planning a drug and mental health awareness day at my school. The materials you have shared will certainly be used!”
—Adriana Cox, Site Coordinator at Virginia School
“Thank you so very much! This was powerful. I learned about so many new resources. Ex. Mantherapy.com.”
—Anne Flaherty, (She/Hers) – Vice President for Student Affairs Eastern Illinois University
Feedback from Educators at a Pre-Conference Mental health workshop, Suicide Prevention, Intervention, Postvention:
- “Heartfelt presentation – it will help me to empathize more with troubled kids in schools.”
- “She speaks from personal experience from the heart. I liked the script practice and scenarios especially. Really good advice for figuring out what to say and how to say it. And also understanding the importance of listening!!!”
- “When a presenter has the personal experience, as this presenter, it adds an element of authenticity and compassion to what they are conveying.”
- “The session is a must in today’s young adult and teens involvement.”
- “Your attention and compassion on this subject was captivating, thank you!”
- “An excellent dive into this uncomfortable topic”
- “Excellent training; I learned additional information; the training reinforced my skill sets; and provided me with much more detailed information on how to handle these types of incidents.”
- “I’ve often worried about the most effective verbiage for children in families in this raw situation. The examples on to say and how to bridge that gap of understanding between me and families to the student was invaluable.”
Grief Audience Reviews
“Charles’s story, your story, must be told. What an incredible grief journey you have traveled, coming from where you were just 5 years ago to the impact you are making today in so many lives. The stigma of suicide needs to be told and you are the person to do that. Your story resonates with bereaved parents and offers them a way forward..it is beneficial not only to parents of suicide victims but to all bereaved parents because most, if not all the emotions you mention, we encounter.”
—Bob Burash, Chapter Leader, Bereaved Parents USA
When my friend, Leslie Weirich, told me not to miss Anne Moss’s session in Cleveland at the Suicide Loss Survivors Summit, I had no idea it would be so transformative. She is an amazing speaker and a passionate advocate. Never miss a chance to hear her speak.
—Phillip Tyler, Suicide Prevention Advocate, Loss Survivor, and Speaker
“Your presentation was powerful, poignant, yet intimate. I will pass the information on to other bereavement counselors.”
—Peggy Graeser, GriefShare Counselor
“I learned it’s normal to continue having a relationship with those I have lost.”
—Mental health advocate, AFSP Long Term Suicide Loss Summit
“I’ve noticed that it has been hard for me to know what to say when others are grieving so I isolate from them. You’ve inspired me to sit in the pain with others even if I don’t know what to say. You have inspired me sit in the pain with others even if I don’t know what to say.”
—Attendee, LOSS Conference (Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors), Amarillo, TX
“Today I heard your grit and resilience. Your genuine real and raw testimony spotlights the importance of being HEARD! I’m taking away today HOPE for others and recognize to be beside those in pain.”
—Attendee, LOSS Conference (Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors), Amarillo, TX
“I learned today that you loved your son more than life and the pain you have you wouldn’t want any parent to ever have to go thru. Thanks for sharing.”
—Mental health advocate, AFSP Long Term Suicide Loss Summit
Parent Reviews
“I had the privilege of attending the hosted event this past week with keynote speaker Anne Moss Rogers. I find I have few words to describe the evening…it was riveting. It gave me pause and has stayed with me. I’ve had several conversations this week with friends who feel the same. So I’m writing to ask you to bring Anne Moss Rogers back again next year and to open it up to the entire district.”
—Lori, California School District Parent
“Thank you so much for coming to speak with us. Our community was shattered by two teen suicides this past spring and it feels so good to have some strategies in my pocket.”
—Parent, Lafayette California Shcool District
“One thing I learned tonight that I need to listen more, fix less and not be fooled by ‘happy go lucky’ when I know something’s up.”
—Parent, Lafayette, California School District
“So glad I forced myself to go out in the rain to learn from Anne Moss Rogers tonight at Millwood School. I’m touched by her story and grateful for the conversation she’s encouraging family to have with their kids about depression, anxiety and suicide. For those who missed it, google Anne Moss and watch her TEDx talk.”
—Elissa, parent, Millwood School
“Thank you for a powerful and informative presentation.”
—Tom Bonine, Bonine Suicide Prevention Conference, East Illinois University
“Thank you for sharing your story and being so vulnerable.”
—Parent, Campus Safety Forum
Corporate Mental Speaker Presentation Reviews
These are from workplace mental health speaker presentations about mental health, addiction, suicide, grief, anxiety, and coping strategies.
“Yesterday’s mental health presentation was so powerful. Even though I stayed for the entire 2 hours, I may watch it again on my own time. Anne Moss was incredible and very brave to share her insights on her son’s loss. That type of dedication to help others is amazing. Thanks to all DE folks that were responsible for bringing it to us!!!”
—Dominion Energy employee
“The way that Anne Moss started her presentation talking about the real-life story really captivated and moved everyone that was in attendance. She showed a tremendous passion for the work that she is doing and you could hear it in every word that she spoke.”
Christopher Kurz, Commercial Relationship Manager – Fulton Bank
“Anne Moss Rogers is a courageous and dynamic speaker. It was beyond admirable to listen as she relived her son’s suicide while she has persevered with purpose to save and touch others. It is remarkably selfless in the way she honors her son by sharing unimaginable loss and her continuous long journey. We were fortunate to have her speak.”
—Employee for workplace mental health presentation, Markel Insurance
“I’m proud of the Company for prioritizing mental health initiatives and enabling employees to attend. It helps our workplace as well as our communities to provide education and tools to DE employees.”
—Dominion Energy Employee
“The speaker was able to pour out so much valuable and helpful information because of her own experience. I learned so much, particularly about being a good listener, being aware of possible signs of a troubled person who may be suicidal. I feel more comfortable letting a person know that I care and ask the important question to help them get help!”
—Dominion Energy Employee
“Very informative. Our ERG (PRIDE) did a lunch & learn several years ago (pre-COVID) which was educational in nature. I really like this format as it was personal, raw BUT still very informative. I have been on the helping/coping side of colleagues struggling and contemplating with self-harm thoughts – it is tough.”
—Corporate ERG Leader for Pride Group (LGBTQ), The Emotionally Naked Truth About Suicide
Student Reviews
“Every single word you said in that classroom that day touched my life. You helped me wanna keep pushing and strive to even be half as strong as you are. So thank you Mrs. Rogers for sharing your story and helping me in ways I can’t even begin to truly explain.”
—15-year-old Health Science Student, Cosby High School
“Thank you for coming and sharing your story. It really helped me realize there actually is something that I can do to help my friends get through. Many of my friends are struggling and I have never known how to help.”
—16-year-old high school student
“Thank you for coming and talking to us about mental illness and drug abuse. I feel like you really shed some light onto how depression can impact the lives of so many people.”
—15-year-old high school student
“I have struggled with anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. Resources like yours and getting help was the best decision I ever made. Thank you for creating awareness of your story to help people like me. I MATTER!”
—Student, Lansing, Michigan
“I knew that drugs and alcohol are major problems and I also knew how hard it was for people dealing with mental illness but I did not realize the severity of both of them mixed. It really opened my eyes hearing about this.”
—17-year-old high school student, Northern Virginia
“Many teens left your class reflecting on life and ready to open up about the issues they were facing with the other adult teen/youth workers at the YMCA Leader’s Club Regional rally. One teen in particular, who identifies as transgender, expressed how your class helped him identify and accept who he is becoming. He also shared he once thought about dying by suicide and was ashamed but after hearing that others were facing the same issues helped him realize he was not alone.”
—Janice, Youth Coordinator, YMCA
Clinician reviews
“Anne Moss Rogers is probably the most resilient person I know. She has managed to turn grief into action, and she is a suicide prevention champion. I had the pleasure of presenting with her at the Pediatric Academic Societies conference and her part was absolutely the best. She received a standing ovation from the audience. I have been to this conference for two decades and I have never seen any speaker receive a standing ovation. She was powerful. She was moving.”
—Lisa Horowitz, PhD, MPH, Staff Scientist/Clinical Psychologist, National Institute of Mental Health, Co-Presenter on the ASQ Suicide Screening tool (Video Testimonial)
“Your presentation was absolutely mesmerizing. It was very factual and for the physicians in the audience it was an eye-opening experience. We look forward to reading your book.”
—K. Singh Sahni, M.D., FACS, Neurosurgeon, Chairman of Neuroscience & Medical Director Gamma Knife Center at Johnston Willis Hospital
“…this has really been amazing!!!! one of the best trainings I’ve had so far….”
—Jennifer Kester, Social Work Student, Pennsylvania
“We received such amazing feedback from your presentation and the students gained such important knowledge and information that may help them when they are in the field and on the front lines working with individuals suffering from depression and addiction. Your story and experience provide a perspective that cannot be taught in a textbook.”
—Julia Rice Stokes, MSW, LMSW, CLCP, Teacher, VCU School of Social Work
“Thank you so much. You gave relevant information and experiences that no doubt make me a better clinician.”
—Nia Murray, LPC, Pennsylvania
“Everyone loved your presentation and talked about how much your story touched them. I feel so blessed to have met you and to have heard your story!”
—Becky Riggs, BSW, Best Practice Coordinator, Scott County Department of Social Services
“Anne Moss educates through her powerful personal story of loss that serves as a wake-up call to the audience. Despite the heavy subject matter of the topic, I do not find her presentation dark and dismal, but surprisingly inspiring and full of hope.”
—Dr. Ted Abernathy, Pediatric and Adolescent Health Partners
“Anne Moss’s speech was incredibly powerful and motivates me to do more to save kids and stop the suicide epidemic.”
—Patrick Rizzuto, MD, Pediatrician, VCU
“Best speaker on this subject that I have ever heard in 20 years in the ‘business.’”
—Vicki Hutman CS ICC, Mental Coaching and Sports Consulting
“I saw you speak this morning at the NIMH suicide conference, and it was one of the most beautiful, raw speeches I have ever witnessed. You were so vulnerable and open and articulate about your and Charles’ experiences, and I cannot imagine the pain and hurt that you went (still going) through. I thought your comment about connectedness, and the lack of it in our current age of social media and technological advances was brilliant. I am truly inspired by you.”
—J.S., Research Assistant, National Institute of Mental Health
“Our class with Anne Moss Rogers was…WOW! Blown away by her authenticity and passion to keep others from experiencing her pain! Such compassion and dedication!”
—Rebecca Ardery, Mental Health First Aid Trainer Certified Instructor
“Thank you for an engaging, informative, sensitive, well presented, wonderfully connecting, profitable, and more…and more…coverage of a very complex topic. Hope indeed!”
—John Vafeas LCSW, DSW, Department Chair, and Professor at Kutztown University School of Social Work
SROs, First Responder & Military Reviews
“Thank you so much for your visit to our jail and specifically the members of our Heroin Addiction Recovery Program (HARP). The education and awareness you brought to the often-ignored topic of suicide was priceless and I know changed lives in that room.”
—Sheriff Karl Leonard, Founder of HARP, Heroin Addicts Recovery Program, Chesterfield County Sheriff’s Office
“I see the increase in our schools of mental health issues on a daily basis when school is in session as a SRO. It is always good to get more insight from a different perspective than a LEO point of view. It is such an important issue that seems to be increasing over the years. To hear from a mother who has had firsthand loss is very enlightening.”
—SRO, School Safety Forum, Pre-conference workshop, mental health and suicide prevention
“I’m a School Security officer and this training was very good.”
—School Security Officer, School Safety Forum, Pre-conference workshop, mental health and suicide prevention
“My colleagues and I are quite battle hardened, whether military, police, security or all three. Our men and women have been known for our resolve, and Mrs Rogers has this and unbelievable resilience. This is without a doubt one of the best characteristics a human being can have, and her speech left a lot of us tough cookies in tears, understanding, smiles, but a little bit better where we were prior.”
—Mike Ross, Patrol Officer for Fairfax County Public Schools Safety and Security
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